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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

By Nicole Ferrito

There seems to be an app for everything, from counting calories to sending ridiculous three-second selfies to all your friends. With all of the options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best apps to fill your iPhone’s limited gigabytes.

Since you only have so much room on your phone, here are a few popular apps to help you fill your phone wisely.

1. The New York Times: Keeping up with current events is crucial because as college students, we are expected to know major news stories. There is a strong chance you’ll be asked about important news stories on an interview, and by downloading The New York Times app, you’ll always be prepared!

2. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: These can be grouped together because let’s face it, if you have a Twitter account you most likely have a Facebook profile and Instagram handle too. But, besides uploading hilarious tweets about your day-to-day activities and artsy photos of the sky at night, these apps are a great way to stay connected to breaking news – and with your friends.

3. The TCNJ App: Yes, we now have an up-to-date and extremely helpful phone app that features general school information and events happening on campus – right at our fingertips. You can even make a quick phone call to the gym to reserve equipment.

4. Shazam: It’s happened to all of us: you’re listening to a song on the radio that you’ve never heard and you instantly fall in love with it! or you’re sending ridiculous three-second selfies to all your friends. With all of the options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best apps to fill your iPhone’s limited gigabytes.

5. Sleepbot/Sleepcycle: As college students we need all the help we can get when it comes to sleeping. According to the businessinsider.com article, The App 100: World’s Greatest Apps, the Sleepbot analyzes your movement, sounds and duration of sleep and gives you the data to offer you sleep suggestions.

6.Yelp: This app allows you to see the ratings of any restaurant near you. If you’re unsure of how popular a certain eatery is, just look it up and get the ratings and reviews in an instant.

7. ESPN Sports Center: Anyone who loves to follow sports should download this app, which will give you updates on your favorite teams! You can even personalize your scoreboard so you receive news from only teams you care about.

8. Embark: Constantly on the go but not sure how to get there? Embark is the app for you. It gives detailed directions and explains which forms of transportation are the best and quickest. It’s especially perfect for city travelers.

9. Solar: According to the businessinsider.com article, Solar is a “gorgeous” way to keep track of the weather.

10. Your Favorite Magazine: Keep up with your favorite publications, like Elle, Seventeen, Cosmo and whatever other magazines you get all your best beauty tips from by downloading their respective apps. Glance over articles whenever you’re stuck in line at the Library Café or just hanging out in your room.