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Alexa Rozzi: The TCNJ Alum Who Followed Her Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


College is the beginning of so many new experiences in your life — one of which is figuring out what it is that makes you happy. College is about making choices and it’s by making these choices that we find our true happiness.  

Founder and former editor-in-chief of Her Campus TCNJ, Alexa Rozzi, did exactly that.  “My advice to freshman would be to listen to your gut, even if what it tells you to do seems hard or scary.  Only make a decision if you can move forward with it and have your heart and passion behind it,” says Rozzi.

After starting college, Rozzi realized that what she once loved was not what she expected it to be.  She started her freshman year playing varsity soccer.  “My heart and passion wasn’t in the sport anymore, and it was itching to be invested in a different outlet,” she says.  Rozzi followed her heart, and ultimately quit the team.

This wasn’t an easy decision to make. “Quitting anything isn’t easy because it’s like admitting defeat, only you’re waving the white flag at yourself…or so it seems,” she says. But Rozzi knew that her heart wasn’t in it anymore.

Quitting the team gave Rozzi clarity.  “I felt free to explore everything else campus had to offer, and most importantly I had the time and headspace to begin learning more about myself,” she says.   

Rozzi focused on her studies, a Journalism/Professional Writing major, an Italian minor and a self-designed concentration called Interactive Multimedia Communications. “I wanted to make the most of the time and money invested in my education so I tried to arm myself with as many marketable skills as possible relevant to my major,” Rozzi says.

Looking back on her decision, Rozzi is happy. “I see me leaving the team as my choice.  I owned it as my decision to pursue a path that I was more passionate about,” she says. When the opportunity to start a Her Campus branch at TCNJ came about, Rozzi followed her heart. “I love to write and be in charge.  I was ready for the change and excited about it.”

While serving as co-editor-in chief with Jess Corry, Rozzi acquired a valuable skill set which eventually led her to a position as a health intern at Seventeen Magazine and an internship at Unique Homes, where she now works as an advertising and editorial coordinator!

Of all of her Her Campus TCNJ memories, Rozzi most enjoyed the first Birthday Bash.  “I worked really hard and it was when I was interning with Seventeen so things were crazy, but seeing it manifest into an event – and for a good cause (proceeds went to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation) was the best feeling. I was proud of everyone. I was proud of myself. It was exciting.”

Although it seems scary at first, it’s okay to try new things in college.  You never know what you might fall in love with.

“Believe in yourself. Work hard. Be patient.  Bring you’re A-game everyday in everything you do because there is so much to be learned always,” she says.