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6 Beautiful Lessons I Learned from Sex in the City!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

#1 “Some love stories aren’t epic novels. Some are short stories, but that doesn’t make them any less filled with love.” -Carrie Bradshaw 

There are many different loves that will enter and leave in your life. All of them will teach you lessons that you will take into your future relationships. You will learn how you want to be loved and how you want to love someone. You will have so many types of love in your life. There is love between friends, a playful love, an obsessive love, a romantic love, a selfless love, and a love that will sweep you off your feet. Each one of those loves that enter your life is filled with lessons that need to be learned. 

#2 “He makes me laugh…and I feel like I can be myself around him” -Charlotte York

I don’t want to grow up and be unhappy. I don’t want to grow up and be bored. I don’t want to grow and not laugh with the person I share my life with. Life is way too short to not live it without a smile on your face. Once your relationship starts to feel like a job sadly that relationship is over. When I do fall in love with someone, I want it to be epic that it consumes me in every way possible. You should try changing the way you act or perceive yourself. Be you because just being you should be more than enough. 

#3 “Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy” -Carrie Bradshaw 

A man is an accessory to a women’s life. A man is not the center of the world nor the center of your world. Being single is not a terrible thing or something people should pity you on. Being single and alone is beautiful, fun, and fulfilling in itself. I think today so many of us girls are constantly looking to find our other half in life without actually appreciating the beauty of being single. We are always told that love will enter our lives when we are not even looking for it. With that being said be comfortable in the fact that being single is enough in the phase of life you are in. 

#4 Samantha Jones said it best, “I love you, but I love me more.”

You cannot love another until you are completely in love with yourself. This has been the hardest lesson for me to learn because I find myself constantly feeling as though I have to adhere to another person’s feelings for the expense of my own. These actions had made me grow to not love myself and I was constantly questioning the things I was doing. I no longer felt confident and self-reliant. Instead, I was depending on people to make me happy. I was not “me”. Once I learned to let go of the people who no longer felt right in my life is when I was able to feel loved not by anyone but instead, feel loved by me and only me.

#5 “Maybe you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be” -Carrie Bradshaw 

As humans, we change and go through 100 different phases in our lives. If we stayed in one place, we would simply feel stuck. There is a reason for every action we take and every decision we make. As humans are inevitable that we make mistakes but never regret anything. Why live a life of regret. Instead, look at the situation as it happened and there is nothing you could do instead of owning up to those mistakes and changing the way you would do something in the future. Your mistakes do not define you, but it is how you deal with those mistakes in the aftermath that do define you. 

#7 “No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never go through it without your friends” -Carrie Bradshaw 

Boys come and go. Please listen to me when I say that there will be a million breakups and people who crush your heart BUT the only people who will help you through the tears is your friends. My advice to you is to dive deep into your friends who help you love yourself and put the biggest smile on your face. You don’t need a million friends just the ones who make you the best version of yourself. 


Emma Pascarella is a Senior attending The College of New Jersey. Emma is majoring in Journalism&Professional writing with a minor in Psychology in hopes to be a broadcast journalist when she graduates! Emma is also a member on the women’s soccer team at The College of New Jersey. XOXO