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5 Ways to Celebrate National Chocolate Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s October 28th, which means that today is National Chocolate Day!

You might be wondering if I am not just making up the whole thing. Well, the National Confectioner’s Association established it, not me, so I can assure you, this is the real deal. If you’re a chocoholic, you must be excited beyond words by now, so here are some ways for you to celebrate the holiday.

  1. Eat some chocolate! Seems almost too easy to be true? Well, what better way to celebrate National Chocolate Day than by eating it? If you’re concerned about it being bad for you, substitute some dark chocolate instead. Studies show dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which slow down aging, regulate blood sugar and lower blood pressure. If dark doesn’t suit you, just go ahead and take a piece anyway, after all, even Remus Lupin believes in the healing powers of chocolate.
  2. Throw a hot chocolate party! While this is just another way of “eating” or rather “drinking” your chocolate, it’s a great way to honor the day. Instead of drinking your morning coffee or tea, get a hot chocolate. Or, grab some friends at the end of the day and unwind with some hot chocolate and a movie or two. Besides, we could all use some warming up after a chilly fall day.
  3. Bake something chocolaty! If you have extra time on your hands, or are into baking, make some treats to share with your family/friends. Feel like making a classic? Try Brownies. Want some cookies to go with that hot chocolate? Go with some Double Chocolate Cookies, to ramp up the coco-attack. Craving something extra special? Try a cake. If you’re really ambitious, you could even make the frosting yourself. Check out some recipes here.
  4. Get into the spirit with some chocolate themed movies

Not sure what to watch for your hot chocolate party? How about some chocolaty- inspired films?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – bring back the childhood memories

Like Water for Chocolate- Although this Mexican film is not actually about chocolate, it is a great movie to watch with a cup of Mexican hot chocolate.

Chocolat- Don’t be fooled by the name, this is actually not a French film, although it is set around a French cholate shop and the village it is part of.

  1. Make a Chocolate Panini Instead of cheese, put chocolate squares inside your sandwich. Or, try Nutella instead. It works just as well, even if it has its own special day on February 5th. For a twist, add fruits, such as sliced bananas or strawberries, or blueberries inside your panini. Just be careful you don’t let all the chocolate ooze out before you can get to it.

Haven’t got enough? Try these:

  • Share some chocolates with a friend/significant other. Who says you need to wait for Valentine’s Day to share the love?
  • For the nerds out there- Read/ watch a documentary about the history of chocolate. We got it our cacao from the Aztecs, how did it become an internationally loved food?
  • Make/buy some chocolate scented face masks/lotions/candles. It’s not enough to ingest the chocolate, you have to surround yourself in it.
  • Visit Hershey Park, if you’re really feeling the need to celebrate. Although Hershey Park is not an amusement park, and not the actual Hershey factory, it is a symbol of the home of Hershey chocolates.
  • Score some discounted chocolate with local chocolate shops. Lots of them offer special offers/discounts on otherwise artisanally priced chocolates.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to track it with #National Chocolate Day, on social media. Show off that chocolate spirit and celebrate!

Anandita is a junior at TCNJ, majoring in economics and minoring in English
TCNJ Senior Journalism major, Interactive Multimedia minor.