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5 Tips On How To Be Productive This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s that time of year again- the ‘start of the school year hype’ is dying down and midterms week is quickly approaching!  We do our best to study hard, get super involved in campus activities, and of course, have that weekend social life!  Unfortunately, there aren’t enough Pumpkin Spice Lattes this fall season to keep us awake and functioning during this crazy time! That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 5 ways to be the most productive during this hectic time.

  1. Make a List.  The best way to start being productive is to make a list of the things you need to do! The night before your busy day, take five minutes before bed and just bullet point some quick notes on what needs to be accomplished and the time frame in which you’d like to accomplish it.  Waking up in the morning is always easier when you have a plan in place!
  2. Organize Materials.  With your list in hand, figure out what you’ll need to accomplish the tasks at hand. By doing this, you won’t waste any time going back and forth to grab things you need!
  3. Find Your Spot.  We all have a place where we know we won’t get any work done no matter how much we swear we will.  To be most productive, your best bet is to find a place with limited distractions that you know you’ll be able to concentrate best in.  This might be the top floor of the library, a corner of student lounger, or even your dorm room!
  4. STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA.  This just might be the most important rule of being productive.  I know, I know-  we can’t help but check our Snap or Insta feeds to see if our celebrity girl crush posted something new about Paris Fashion Week.  Unfortunately though, social media is among the most distracting things for teenagers! By putting down our cell phones, we are giving ourselves the chance to focus solely on the task at hand, which leads to the most productivity!
  5. Breathe.  Finally, just take a breath and breathe.  Don’t panic and don’t stress.  Knowing what you need to do is half the battle!  Keep calm and carry on, girl! 

Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize! You’ve got this!

TCNJ Senior Journalism major, Interactive Multimedia minor.