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4 Ways to Overcome Homesickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

The start of a new school year is always one of the most emotionally draining times of the year. Whether you’re an upperclassman returning to campus or an incoming freshman, the feelings of excitement and nervousness are almost inevitable. With the exhilaration of classes starting, seeing old friends and making new ones, being independent for the first time or after a long summer at home, the homesickness will most likely kick in at one point or another. But if you believe that everything will be okay, it will be- especially with the help of these tips! 

1. Don’t keep your emotions bottled up. Expressing your feelings is easily one of the biggest releases. Cry in the shower, talk to your mom on the phone or just dance aggressively around your room to Fetty Wap. Whatever it may be, DO NOT sit in your room alone soaking in your misery. It is almost guaranteed you will feel better talking about what is on your mind, or just being in the company of other people.

2. Keep your door open. It’s one of the easiest and most effective methods to cure homesickness. Anyone can walk in and say hi while you’re hanging decorations or playing your favorite music. You may even find someone with the same taste in music as you- and just like that, you’ll instantly have new friends!

3. Don’t give up what you love. Whether it’s a sport, an instrument or a specific club, getting involved on campus will create a home away from home. You can meet people with similar interests and get a satisfying feeling participating in the activity that brought you joy back home. Getting involved will also keep your mind off what is going on at home and get you more excited for the next four years!

4. Stay in touch with those who matter. It is a given that all of your friends and family will be on your mind during the first few weeks. You spent every night of summer with your best friends devouring your mom’s home cooked meals. Contact the people you love when you miss them. It will remind you that the people you cared about at home are permanent in your life, regardless of distance. However, do not spend all day on your phone. Talking to your best friends is beneficial in moderation. There are plenty of people on campus that would love to get to know you too, remember that!