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10 Times You Related to Joey from Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Joey Tribbiani from Friends probably one the most relatable characters on TV, ever. At some point in our lives, all of us have completely related to Joey- but hey, that’s not such a bad thing! 

  1. When you don’t get your homework and you begin to wonder if your textbook is even in English:
  2. You openly accept your flaws:
  3. When you answer a question in class and get it right:  
  4. You know where your priorities are:
  5. You tell your friends the bitter truth:
  6. When you finally embrace your body:
  7. When you finish off an ice cream carton by yourself:
  8. When period is coming up so your boobs get bigger:
  9. When you’re feeling the new lipstick you just bought:
  10. Flirting with your crush like:

Cover image: Pinterest.com 

Gif sources: Giphy.com 

A Junior Biology major with side passions of coffee, fashion, makeup, and Netflix. 
TCNJ Senior Journalism major, Interactive Multimedia minor.