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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMUSA chapter.

When it comes to life, it can be sorrow, it can be joy, sometimes it can be conquered, but it can also bring heartfelt defeat to one another. It can be infinite in its possibilities but finite in its opportunities. Life can be a battlefield deprived of hope and covered in death, or life can be a meadow of peace sustained with happiness and surrounded by joy. We disregard our successes, which could have been the result of the extreme fair conditions, and we rarely attribute to our failures conditions, which were fair. Instead, we presume of our failures that if only the conditions were otherwise, we would have never failed. We swiftly recognize unfairness, especially if burdened by no one other than ourselves. Fairness is always unrecognizable.

In a way, life is hardly ever fair. When the human spirit, being morally revived, sets out on the path of fairness, unfortunately, it produces unfairness by merciless usurping anyone or thing that dares to interrupt the journey. To step foot on the path of justice while being traveled by a morally enraged human spirit is to step but once and only once more. So in a way, yes, life is unfair because humans can create inequality through political force. As long as we contain our self-righteousness, we can create fairness by applying equally to all a set of rules in a judicial manner. We have a fair legal system when we discriminate through fact rather than fiction or capricious prejudice. In most instances where the law has ruled through fact, the determinations have been fair. Not perfect, but mostly fair.

This can be fair not by setting us all on equal ground, but rather placing before us a threshold to which we may decide to exceed or not. None of us are born thieves or hardened killers, though, “thou shall not kill” is something to which one can so can steer their biological vessel towards or away. There is no biological determinism that can provide enough evidence to suppose people are born killers. Biological determinism can only go so far as to assume that some are born with a greater probability, let us say, as a result of lacking some mechanisms for empathy, to commit a crime. In addition, we must note an important fact: that the probability of committing a crime is likewise combated by setting those very thresholds found in the law. We indeed have mechanisms that evoke fear upon harm or punishment, but we need laws by virtue of the same biological determinist position. In producing said laws, we have set a threshold for which all fall far below; therefore, giving us all a fair chance.

When aided by human endeavor, life can be either fair or unfair. Whenever the opportunity arises to commit ourselves to a set of standards, equally, we shall be dancing with the lovely lady in the white floral dress: fairness. Compared to when we commit ourselves to action, which is fueled by moral outrage and aided by governing powers, we will indeed be wielding a sword that drips with inequality. Life is whatever we so choose in this regard. Although, most have the emotional reaction that leads them to suppose such awful circumstances as completely unfair. However, we believe that of all the good behavior we have done, we should have never been bestowed with such a grim burden. For us to have lived according to society’s rules and morality to then only experience a so woeful tragedy seems entirely unfair. But when one indeed supposes so, one confuses the issue.

Fairness is inherent to the universe, but unfairness, on the other hand, can be introduced through socially constructed rules. Since not a single thing or person can shatter or circumnavigate physics laws, it follows that all-natural incidences are nothing more than the harshness of life. In other words, life outside of society is inherently fair. We cannot go beyond the rules with the means we are allotted. The laws of physics enforce upon us without favoritism or mercy. But when we return to society, life can indeed become unfair, as rules inside society can be unjustly broken.

My name is Charissa, I am a transfer at Texas A&M-San Antonio, my major is Criminal Justice. I work 2 jobs, also being apart of 5 organizations, while President to one, as well as playing volleyball for TAMU-SA. :)
Lanie is a junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio majoring in Communications with a minor in English. She is a passionate journalist with interests in lifestyle, entertainment, and enjoys creative writing on the side. When she's not typing away on her computer, you can find her updating the Her Campus TAMUSA Instagram page or reading a book. To discuss her wild conspiracy theories, you can reach her at lpere034@jaguar.tamu.edu or @lanielovee on Instagram.