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Why Math Should Not be Required for Non-Math Majors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Math is a core requirement for all college students regardless of their major, and it can be a stumbling block for many students who do not excel at advanced mathematics and will not use it in the future as they are busy putting their energy into projects that they do excel at.

As someone who does not understand math and has to put countless hours outside of class going to tutoring, doing homework, and looking up alternative methods to solve problems, it only hurts my GPA. All the hours I have to put into math take away from my degree-related classes and cause even my “easy” classes to suffer, and as a result, causes my GPA entirely to drop.

While every class has something to teach you, and I have learned good life lessons like having perseverance, in general these math classes will not help me in my field of study and feel like a waste of time, energy, and money.

As non-math majors, we want to be using our creative minds. We excel at projects, writing, and putting on events. Classes that involve math challenge the very thing we are do not excel at, and our time is already consumed doing the things we are passionate about. Projects are very time and energy consuming and will not leave time for things that are not necessary.

While I complete my math classes with passing grades, I cannot help but think how much better my communications degree would be without this extra challenge.

Freshman Agricultural Communications and Journalism major. Equestrian for over ten years and graduated high school a year early with college credits. Currently a member of Pro-Life Aggies, Maroon Out, and Her Campus at TAMU.