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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

No  one told me how much it would hurt.

It’s such a simple thing, really, an understandable want, a human craving

But there’s a difference between deciding that you’d like it every once in a while

Or just feeling like you could use some of it on certain occasions

Versus needing it like you need air to breathe.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t breathe, it hurts so much.

Hurts not to get that wonderful feeling of skin on skin

The loving hugs, the gentle touches brushing across your arms and legs

That addicting feeling of lips on skin, lips on lips

My heart aches to get a taste of that affection

Abounding, pouring from someone else’s lips or fingertips

Love flowing from their body and melding into mine

Wrapping around me like a warm blanket, cocooning me

A kiss on the cheek here,

A loving embrace there

How nice and warm it must feel

To be on the receiving end of that overflowing passion…

I wouldn’t know, of course.

I have always been one to give all of myself.

To crack open my heart

And let my love for others spill out

Frenzied but purposeful, my inner Pandora’s box

I cling desperately onto others

In the hopes that they can feel my wanting radiating off of me

(although the prideful side of mine hates showing it)

And maybe, just maybe, please-

-maybe they would feel it too and return it back to me-

But of course not.

Because nobody needs me as much as I need them.

I crave the feeling of being needed

Of someone’s hands reaching out in desperation

Just to touch me

Just to hold me in their arms

To feel skin brushing against skin

To want to grab on and never let go

Just like I do

The aching never seems to go away

Painful, spreading across my entire chest

Hurting, it really hurts.

It hurts so bad that sometimes all I can do is

Lay still and let the tears pool

Grabbing onto silky, soft and fluffy fabric

And intentionally mistaking it for skin

For the feeling of someone’s head buried into the crook of my neck

I wrap my arms around myself and pretend

Pretend someone loves me enough to want to hold me in their arms

Never letting me go, needing me desperately

I try to pretend all the pain away.

It must be nice not to need affection so strongly,

To be able to enjoy your own company

Offering yourself the comfort you need

Meeting with loved ones occasionally

But otherwise peacefully going through the days

Fully satisfied

Alone, but never lonely.

Though you’ll never catch me alone, my loneliness pervades.

I’m a junior industrial engineer at TAMU and an aspiring author! I love working with people and making friends and connections, and I’m really excited to be a part of this organization. :)