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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

With the weather finally warming up, now is the perfect time to start up hot girl walks once again. Although College Station doesn’t have a lot of breathtaking sites, there are some if you are looking for some good trails for your hot girl walks. Here are the 4 trails I recommend you check out: 

Lick Creek Park

About a 20 minutes drive from campus, but completely worth it. It is a small escape from campus noise and has a variety of trails that vary in length, anywhere from 0.9 miles to 3.8 miles. This has been my favorite spot so far! 

Billie Madeley Park

A short trail, 0.22 miles, with bridges if you are looking for a quick break. The only down side is there are only 2 parking spots in this residential area, and one of them is a handicap accessible parking spot. I like the trail for the hidden location, but the limited parking and the shortness of the trail are some downsides. 

Research Loop Park

This trail is approximately 1.5 miles with ponds and rivers for the perfect walking experience. I haven’t visited this trail yet, but it is definitely on the list! 

anywhere on campus

Main campus at TAMU has some beautiful buildings, and walking from class to class daily could average around 4 miles depending on where you classes are. However, with how nice weather has been lately gives us a great opportunity to appreciate campus – coming from someone who will be graduating this May. This also includes making the journey to west campus and visiting the Learning Teaching Gardens. 

Spring is the perfect season to go outside and enjoy the weather before the Texas heat sets in. Taking walks with friends has been my favorite way to decompress at the moment, and I recommend that everyone go outside for a break especially after this first round of tests is wrapping up. Remember to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen if you decide that you need a nature break as well as keep safety in mind! I always ask a friend to join, or I find busier areas before going on a stroll. Stay safe and happy hot girl walk! 

I'm Gabby - Events Director of Her Campus TAMU. I'm part of the class of 2023, majoring in Telecommunication Media Studies (with a minor in Film). I am dreaming of traveling the world, making movies, and reading books.