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The 40 Minute Commute and Things to Do on Campus at A&M

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

So, gas is expensive…like, really inconveniently expensive.

If you’re reading this, you may understand the difficulties of being a commuter, or maybe you want to just find some things to do on campus. Either way, deciding to stay on campus for the whole day, even if I have a 5 hour gap in between classes or if I have a club meeting that starts at 8pm, has been the best money saver for me. Plus, I hate driving and would only like to have to do it twice a day. Though, what exactly is there to do on campus? I have tried to figure this out for a long time, and it practically took me a semester to find a good routine and different things to do if I ever became bored.

The Gym

One of the best ways to waste time is to go to the gym. I really like either Southside or Main, depending on where I’m located at the time. I heard that Main is usually super packed, but I have never seen it packed yet! If you’re planning on going to the gym during your free time, I would definitely recommend. Also, after a great workout, there is a small cafe area to get food and smoothies. I’m the type of girl that gets really hungry after working out, so it’s helpful to have something to get me refueled after. I have been able to set a routine, get into the right headspace, and it makes me feel accomplished.

Study time

What is great about being stuck on campus is that you can find some time to study. I have found that the longer I stay on campus, the more productive I become. This isn’t just because I have the time, but I have found great and quiet places to focus on my work. One of the main places I go to study constantly is at the Evans Library on the second floor. It is nice, quiet, and close to a lot of buildings with classes. Even though it is usually quiet, it is not one of the quiet floors, so you can study with a few friends and do group projects. On the first floor there is a Starbucks, so I usually like to get a drink or a snack while I study. There are a lot of great places to study though, like the MSC Flag Room, ILCB, and many more.

Errand Runs

This is a great time to run some errands or to get some stuff done that you normally couldn’t living at home. I live in Anderson, Texas, which is basically all countryside with nothing around for miles. The nearest gas station is 13 miles away! I have been able to create a routine that consists of me going to the store every Tuesday to get my weeks worth of groceries and hygiene products if needed.

Hang with friends

There are a lot of things to do in the College Station/Bryan area if you have a few hour gaps in between classes. Usually, my friends and I like to go to BonAppeTea off of University Drive and Nagle Street to get some boba. They have a parking lot so you can park there and hang out for a while. It is also a great place to sip and study with your friends. There is also lake Bryan that you can visit if you just want time to hang out by the water or watch the A&M sailing team practice. It only costs $5 per car and you can rent kayaks and paddleboards or go to a nice bar and grill. Sometimes hanging with your friends can consist of just cooking together in their dorm. You have no idea how many times I’ve been able to have a great and fun lunch with friends using a rice cooker and microwave.

I have only listed a few things that I like doing to spend my long day on campus without driving back home and then back up between classes. This is just the routine I have maintained throughout the semester so far, but I will definitely try out new things, and I hope you do too!

Lindy Grubbs is a new member of the HER Campus TAMU chapter. She is excited to be a part of the social media committee to show students how she spends her time on campus, being a 40 minute commuter. Her life outside of HER Campus consists of working on her photography and videography. She edits podcast videos for the Galveston Unscripted YouTube channel, works as a wedding videographer for Create A Moment Photography and Video, and works part-time with the Galveston Chamber of Commerce and Visitor's Center as a receptionist. When she isn't working, she is at school focusing on telecommunications and journalism, and hopefully minoring in French. She is a full-time student at Texas A&M University, hoping to order her Aggie ring soon. In her free time, she likes to watch The Walking Dead for the 10th time while editing her photos. She absolutely adores her cat named Banana and her dog named Callie. She also loves traveling, and hopes to convert a school bus into something she can call home for a while.