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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Like most college students, I’m pretty broke. It’s easy not to fall into the trap of overconsumption when you do not have the money to spend on things that aren’t necessary. However, regarding my day-to-day life, I’ve made some changes that improve my impact on the environment. I used to think sustainability would be costly with people pushing fancy reusable products. But in reality, the changes I implement are small but add up when bettering my ecological footprint. Here are some of the eco-friendly habits I’ve adapted.

Not relying on my car

The nice thing about living in a college town is that it’s more walkable compared to most areas. I used to rely heavily on my car to get myself from point A to point B, but now my car dependence has decreased. I take the bus as much as I can. I also love walking when the weather is nice (boo crazy Texas weather). Walking allows my mind to relax and become more grounded, which is nice when life gets stressful. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, on average vehicles release 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year, which is a lot but even the smallest changes can add up and make a big impact.

reusable bags

Whenever I go shopping I always bring reusable bags, especially when I go grocery shopping. I have a reusable produce bag to avoid using multiple plastic produce bags. Not to mention having one big reusable bag makes carrying in groceries easier. Also, why carry your items in a boring plastic bag when you can use a cute reusable bag instead? Sometimes I forget to bring a reusable bag, but I’ll find a way to repurpose plastic bags if I end up with one. For my knitting people, I have seen people use plastic bags to knit mats and bags so that’s a fun sustainable bonus!

secondhand shopping

If I have the option to buy something secondhand, I’ll take it. I love thrifting clothes and household items if I feel like switching things up. Online shopping doesn’t have to be cut out of the picture either. There are many secondhand retail options online such as Facebook Marketplace and Depop to shop from. I think your style becomes more personalized when you curate pieces that aren’t as readily available to most people when you buy secondhand.

sustainability organizations

In my opinion, one of the best parts of college is the countless organizations to choose from. Most universities have several organizations that focus on sustainability. Finding the right one that fits your sustainability goals is important, whether through educating on sustainable practices or volunteering. For me, I love the service aspect of helping the environment. Here at Texas A&M, I participate in the Human Environmental Animal Team, better known as HEAT. Through HEAT I’ve volunteered in different activities that better the environment. My favorite is our regular street clean-ups. Joining an organization that pushes sustainability has bettered my awareness of how I can impact the environment.

Brianna Torres Adame is an active member of the Her Campus at TAMU chapter, working with public relations and the writing/editing committee. She produces lifestyle content, as well as covering a broad range of topics such as the fashion industry, sustainability, and current events in the College Station/Bryan area. Brianna is a junior at Texas A&M University studying Communications with a certificate in Social Media. Just recently transferring in, she is hoping to further experience in PR and writing roles as she continues her time at TAMU. Beyond Her Campus, she is a part of TAMU PRISM, an organization focused on boosting skills in public relations, influencing, and social media, and TAMU HEAT, an organization that does volunteer work for the community, environment, and animals. In the future, she aspires to mix fashion and sustainability into a career, since those are the two topics she's most passionate about. Creativity is what drives Brianna. She can romanticize almost everything she does but her favorite hobbies are writing, making art, and keeping up with the latest trends in fashion. If you ever need a dance buddy you can count on her to make the most of your Latin Nights at Northgate.