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Spooky Savings: Budget friendly Halloween decor ideas for your room

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Growing up, my mother always had bins full of decorations for every single type of holiday. Especially for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I definitely was influenced by my mother to buy decorations for every occasion, even if it didn’t strictly relate to a holiday. When I moved to my first college dorm, it was extremely tiny, but I still tried in every way to display my decorations for the holidays. Lights, a small Christmas tree, Halloween treats, and candles. Now in my apartment, I have ample space in my bedroom to decorate even more. But, of course as a college student, I couldn’t really afford the huge decorations that I grew up with in the past. So, these are some decor ideas that you could put in your own small space, dorm, or bedroom. I am also including a few places where I get the cheapest and best decorations for Halloween.

  • Halloween Shaped Candles & Bleeding Candlesticks, AtHome

Let’s talk about candles and what they can do to your space. I find that pumpkin smelling candles are the best but I am going to take this a bit further. Halloween shaped candles are my absolute favorite and I feel as though they are really underrated so far. Ghosts, skulls, and pumpkins are all different shapes that candles come in during the fall season. Try bleeding candles, and candlesticks! They can be the spookiest addition to your nightstand, counters, or desk. If you want to go with spookier looking candles, opt for bleeding candles. I purchase most of mine from AtHome.

  • Colored String lights (Candy Corn), H-E-B

String lights are a cheaper option than regular lights, or lamps. They are usually more on the dimmer side and I purchased these candy corn string lights from H-E-B. They retail to $7 dollars. I absolutely love these, they were put above my bed in my first dorm. They weren’t too bright, so my roommate wasn’t bothered by the lights at all. They are a sweet dull orange and yellow, and can be plugged in whenever. A part from these lights, there are several other colors you can get, such as green, purple and yellow.

I found that trinket dishes are the best addition to your nightstand, shelf, or bookcase. On my bookcase I bought 2-3 Halloween trinket dishes from HomeGoods. They range from $5-$9 each and are such a perfect addition to your room. There are so many trinkets in HomeGoods that can also be bought to put on your trinket dish. I bought some clear glass mini pumpkins that were there too to put on my dishes.

There are so many miniature figurines at the Dollar Store. I found a harvest set that included a pumpkin home, a garden, and a fairy. There are a ton of fairy and gnome sets at the Dollar store. In the link there are a few Christmas ones, but in store you might find the more current Halloween sets. These sets are $5 dollars or less, and they are really small. They can fit in any nook or cranny space that you have. I have some on my desk, and they are a super cute addition to your desk.

I found these ceramic painting sets during the fall season that I painted with my friends and family. Not only was I able to enjoy a cute get-together with the people that I loved, but I was able to display these cute hand painted Halloween ceramic decorations on my nightstand and room. They are super cheap and come in all different shapes from ghosts to skulls to cats! They range from $4 to about $15 depending on which one you choose.

Last but not least, candy! I absolutely love candy corn during the fall season. There are so many candy jars at Hobby Lobby, some have lids others are small dispensers. It also doesn’t have to be fall related; I have a simple glass jar that holds my candy corn in my room. There are also several in my living room. They are really budget-friendly and my roommates absolutely love them, and when there are guests over it is a perfect little treat to have.

  • Honorable mention: Spirit Halloween

Spirit Halloween is a great store that opens up during the Halloween season. They have really good decor and trinkets that are great additions to your space. I purchased some blood-filled syringe pens and displayed them throughout my room. These were about a $1 a piece and are extremely cool to have in your room! They are realistic and the ink is red.

Amy Muro is a member of the writing and editing committee for the Her Campus TAMU chapter. As part of this committee she expresses her interests, hobbies and experiences that can be beneficial to fellow students. She is looking forward to writing about the recent trends of makeup, beauty and experiences. Beyond her role at Her Campus, she has been working at the TAMU Bookstore at Texas A&M University for three years. Amy is 21 years old, and pursuing an English degree with a minor in Professional writing. As a senior she plans to go into Graduate school here at A&M to specialize in Young Adult literature and Popular Culture. She is very passionate about women authors, and literature writing. She was part of the UPREP research program for the College of Arts and Sciences to study women writers and their unpublished documents in the 19th century. She has also been a teacher aid/peer mentor for first year freshman experience classes. When Amy is not working or attending classes, she is getting a new piercing/tattoo, doing her own nails, playing with her cat Coco, or hanging out at home watching Modern Family or anime with her boyfriend. She loves to explore different music genres and is up for listening to anything. Her favorite music artists/bands are Yot Club, Palace and Olivia Rodrigo.