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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Speed, Quality, and Service. Three words I would come to know extremely well, but also three words that would bear so much more meaning as time went on. I am one of the lucky ones to have been selected to work for the franchise Dutch Bros, a coffee shop started in Grants Pass, Oregon, and my experience is one I wish to share because it has impacted my life in a way that I am forever grateful for. 

Rewind to summer of 2023, as the school year came to a close, I began looking for a “fun” summer job. I’d always wanted to be a barista of some sort, and I knew that Dutch Bros was extremely competitive to get into, so I gave it my best shot. A week or two later I received an interview and was hired. I was extremely excited to be able to have a highly coveted job, but I was also nervous about fitting in, learning quickly, and being the best employee I could. 

Soon enough, my training passed and I officially became what Dutch Bros calls a “Broista.” Now, there is something to be said about Dutch employees. Dutch employees aren’t your typical coffee worker, there to give you your much needed pick-me-up, they are there to give you coffee with a conversation. They are the brightest “how is your day going?” They are the most sincere “Thank you! Have a wonderful day!” And they are the kindest, most authentic crew I have ever come to know. I truly didn’t know what was in store for me until I was in it.

I have had the privilege of working at the Boonville stand in Bryan, and I truly can testify that they are the reason I speak so highly of the company. When I first began working there, I was extremely nervous about fitting in. My whole life I have struggled to feel like I belonged somewhere, that people truly wanted me there, and this stand did that and so much more. People there, and covers from other stands, went out of their way to know me by name, remembered that one concert I was excited to see, and always greeted me with the warmest smile. Walking into work felt like a rush of joy every time I stepped through the door because of the people.

After several months of working there, I felt I had established my place in the stand and become “part of the family.” However, in the midst of that, I experienced some of the worst depression I had in a while. It started affecting not just my academic life, but also my work life. Little did I know I had no reason to worry, the people holding me most steady were my coworkers. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude, appreciation, and love for those around me, specifically my manager and assistant manager at the time. These people, they really do care, and when I came in teary-eyed or gloomy, they were the first to accommodate me in any way they could. The thing is, they didn’t just care about me at work, they cared about my life outside of it, and to know that I had that kind of support carried me through that time. 

One thing about Dutch employees is that they are intentional. I strongly believe that is one of the reasons our stand is so close-knit. My coworkers were the type to ask about a detail I had off-handedly mentioned, expecting them not to remember, and that always made me smile. I remember especially when I was new, people were always going out of their way to include me and make me feel like a part of the crew. To see that intentionality when they didn’t have to truly inspired me to want to gain a leadership position in the company. These people stand for so much more than speed, quality, and service. They are respectful, genuine, inclusive, and of course, intentional. I will never forget coming off my shift and realizing I needed to admit to myself I was going through a lot more than I let people see, and my managers were ensuring that I was receiving the best possible care. Little did I know that kind of support was all I needed. There was no judgment, just genuine empathy for what I was experiencing. And the thing was, I didn’t feel embarrassed – in fact, I felt more loved and supported than I ever had. Their touches of kindness never go unnoticed to me. 

Dutch Bros has given me a place in this world that I have wished for my entire life. It has given me belonging. It has given me a family. Most importantly, it has given me unconditional love. Now, I am currently a shift lead at Bryan and to say it has been one of the best experiences is an understatement. These people who have trusted me to lead a group of people have instilled confidence in me that I have lacked my entire life. This company has given me a long lasting support that I will forever be grateful for. Dutch Bros gave me my life back and as silly as a coffee job instilling light and happiness back in my life sounds, it couldn’t be more true. I will always be one of the lucky ones for being able to be a part of this company. Truly, no words do it justice.

My name is Allyson Graves, and I am from Longview, Texas. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology at Texas A&M University. I am involved in a research lab called the “Existential Psychology Collaboratory” and am a teaching assistant for the psychology department. I have been a part of the Texas A&M Gymnastics Club where I served as their social media officer and currently serve under The Big Event as a staff assistant. I was also able to serve as a Fish Camp Counselor summer of 2022 and summer of 2023. After graduating in May of 2025, I plan to earn my Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at an out of state institution. There, I will complete a three to four year program that will prepare me to get my license to become a therapist. I hope to open my own private practice. Outside of academics I work at the coffee shop called Dutch Bros where I am a shift lead. Previously, I worked in a psychologist’s office (Kranz Psychological Services) where I handled referrals, creating charts, and scheduling. My personal interests revolve around the education and promotion of mental health. I hope to become licensed for many therapy treatment methods and write on the side.