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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

I remember the first time I stepped foot onto campus. It was November of 2019 for a campus tour. Little old me was so excited to start my journey as a college student, but I didn’t understand how my journey as a first generation latina student would look so different from the stories told that day. However, looking back, my journey is unique because of who I am. I didn’t join the typical sorority or FLOs TAMU was so well known for, but I did join LMSA PLUS and Her Campus, which helped me grow in ways I’ll forever be grateful for. Are there some things I wish I did more? Of course. For example, I do regret not going out more, but I’m also glad I didn’t force myself to do things I’m not the biggest fan of. That’s not to say I didn’t get out of my comfort zone. I did, but in ways that are truer to who I am. I now feel more confident in my public speaking thanks to being a part of the officer/executive team for two organizations. I no longer have to hold on to the wall when ice skating because of the kinesiology class I took this semester. And I’ve met some of the greatest people here at A&M who share similar interests and experiences.

As I graduated this May, I looked back on who I was and what I did. I can safely say that Aggieland does hold magic, but it doesn’t always look the same for everyone. My magical experience here at A&M differs immensely from someone who is a part of a sorority, FLO, or no club at all. But it’s the same magic nonetheless. I loathed A&M for years because my experience was not the dream they sold, but I learned that their dream is not my dream. My dream was unique, but A&M still contained the individuals who shared similar dreams and experiences that ultimately represented the magic Aggieland was promoting this entire time. So, to the place I called home for the last four years, thank you. Thank you for teaching me elements of myself, life and love I couldn’t get anywhere else. All good things must come to an end. Farewell, Aggieland.

Hi, I’m Taylor Douglas! I’m the Events Director for Her Campus at TAMU! I have the honor of creating/running all the events Her Campus does at TAMU! As for my writing, I enjoy creating articles about my personal experiences in life, which range from college experiences, current books I’ve read or new things I’ve tried! Beyond Her Campus, I’m also the Marketing Coordinator for LMSA PLUS at TAMU, which is a Latino Pre-Med organization, where I have the privilege of designing merchandise and updating our website. I also participate in a women’s organization on campus at A&M where I’m encouraged to break out of my shell! Additionally, I am a tutor for 5th and 6th graders off campus, which I love doing! Lastly, I’m a Senior Sociology major in hopes of going to PA school to pursue a career in Psychiatry! My free time is cut very thin, but whenever I do find the time, I enjoy quiet nights, wrapped in my bed sheets watching a good show or movie. I’m currently obsessed with Ugly Betty on Netflix and The Summer I Turned Pretty on Amazon Prime and I’m probably the biggest Taylor Swift fan you'll encounter and I’m not ashamed to admit it.