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My Roommate is From Houston, and I Forced Her to Go To Dallas (NOT CLICKBAIT)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

One of the biggest rivalries in Texas (aside from TAMU and t.u.) is the one between Dallas and Houston.

To me, Dallas has always been the best choice.

It seems natural and right.

I had driven through Houston a few times before coming to college, but never stayed long because….it’s Houston.

I never realized people actually liked this city until I came to Texas A&M, where a ton of students call Houston home.

Apparently people enjoy living in the swampland armpit of Texas.

My roommate just so happens to be one of those people.

She’s lived in Houston all her life, and absolutely LOVES it. One of her favorite things in the world is talking about how horrible Dallas is.

I had to prove to her that Dallas, and its surrounding suburbs, were worth it, so a few weekends ago we took a girls trip to The Great White North of Dallas.

We started the 3.5 hour drive with a perfectly curated playlist to entertain us. If you have the desire to listen to my horrible music taste, you can check it out here.

We drove through lots and lots of rain so my roommate didn’t get to see much of the scenery, but let’s be real, the drive from College Station to Dallas is pretty boring.

When we finally made it, we experienced one of the best things about my hometown: eyebrow threading AND tinting for only $14.

Next, we did what every other annoying #college #girl does. We went to Starbucks. Except this wasn’t just any Starbucks. It was a Starbucks RESERVE, where you pay too much money for the marketing of the brand, but man, was it some good coffee.

We also explored some of the great shopping areas and spent way too much at Urban Outfitters.


We had fun studying in a cute local coffee shop, where I butchered the Spanish conversation I was studying for. (I actually did really well on the evaluation in class, in case you were wondering).

On our way back, we picked up our other roommate who was in the area and got caught in MORE RAIN, so thanks global warming. (Side note: if you deny the anthropogenic impact on climate change, please read this most recent assessment).


TLDR: my roommate is still an avid Houstonian, we spent way too much on a 24 hour trip, but she will most definitely be hitting up Dallas again for that $14 eyebrow threading and tinting.


Howdy! I am a Senior International Studies major on the Politics & Diplomacy track with a minor in Spanish. I write articles for readers to learn (and laugh) from my experiences, but also to connect with other college women at Texas A&M. I love to travel, write, paint, and spend time with friends!