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Meet Junior, Daniel Salahuddin! (Ow, ow!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Meet Daniel Salahuddin, our Campus Cutie of the week! He’s a petroleum engineering major here at TAMU and loves The Office.  Smart AND a sense of humor? Sign us up! Oh, and he’s a die-hard Aggie. Gig’em!


HC: What’s your favorite thing about being an Aggie?

DS: The love everybody gives to another Aggie. A sense of comfort with one an another, even if you’ve never met, you still feel like, y’all share something; something strong. That you could go to war with them. That you could count on them for comfort. Aggies helping Aggies, it’s always been like that. We love each other as people, regardless of where you come from, or where you’re going.

HC: Do you have any big summer plans?

DS: Other than summer school, nope. I’m taking MEEN 221.

(Mechanical engineering; statics and particle dynamics)

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

DS: Australia! I love koalas, and ain’t ever seen one…I actually had a dream I had one living under my bed. I woke up pretty disappointed.

HC: What’s your favorite Aggie tradition?

DS: Silver taps! I love how it’s every month no matter what. Nobody is ever forgotten. Once an Aggie, always an Aggie. And you will always be remembered, Once you begin, you embark on your journey here as an Aggie.

HC: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

DS: Some sort of Professor X (from X-men) power. Like the ultimate developed brain…I ain’t saying I’d take over people’s brains and make them do what I want, but I might influence ‘em.

HC: What do you look for in a girl?

DS: Someone that challenges me, some sort of a dream in her that she’s chasing, compassion to everybody, and someone that sees everybody has good in them. They view the world as a positive place no matter what negativity is showcased. [She] loves her family. She will do anything just to bring a smile to others’ faces. That’s one hell of a beautiful soul…that’s not something you let go of if you ever find it.

HC: Celebrity Crush?

DS: I think I fell in love with Pam, from The Office and I’ll never let her go.

HC: When was the last time you talked to your mom?

DS: I talk to that woman every day!

HC: *Awwwwww*

Erum Salam is a student at Texas A&M and an aspiring writer and producer. Her vast experience in television, radio, and print has prepared her for the rapidly converging career path she wants to pursue. She aims to write and produce content that will educate and entertain a global audience. She believes Her Campus offers young women a platform to vocalize their thoughts on contemporary issues facing us today, while also providing hilarious content in the form of listicles, blog posts, or quizzes that surely resonates with the female millennial demographic.