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Meet Bennett Vaughn, ’18!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Bennett Vaughn seems to be a Class of 2018 favorite. This well-rounded fellow has a lot in store for him in all aspects of his life. Fun fact: he has a twin!

Take a peak into the mind of Bennett:

HC: What’s your major?

Bennett Vaughn: Petroleum engineering

HC: What’s your favorite sports team?

BV: Houston Texans

HC: If you could live anywhere in the world (or universe) where would it be?

BV: Geneva, Switzerland because it’s one of the top three places to live in the world

HC: What’s your ideal date?

BV: I’m the outdoors type, so anything to do with the great outdoors

HC: Are you single?

BV: Nope

HC: Have any preferences on how you want your wedding to be?

BV: I want all of my family to be there for the big day. I can’t decide whether I want the wedding to take place at a church or on the beach, though

HC: Are you more of a momma’s boy or daddy’s boy?

BV: I’m definitely a momma’s boy. No one compares to my mom

HC: What drives you to do things?

BV: I really want to make my parents proud of me. They’ve done so much for me, and I only want to do great things for them and to better myself

HC: If you could be any celebrity, who would you be?

BV: Blake Shelton… he’s the man

HC: What advice do you have for girls who are crushing on a special someone?

BV: Tell him! The worst thing that can happen is getting an “I’m not interested,” and if that happens, it’s not the end of the world. It’s better to get rejected than to never know

Leana is a communication major journalism minor at Texas A&M University. She loves writing, food, and keeping herself busy. Leana is an aspiring broadcast journalist and plans on attending law school after receiving her bachelor's.