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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

The Hollywood version of college involves parties, drama, more parties, friends, dates, and even more parties. Somehow between all that people forget to mention you are actually there to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life. You can’t stay there forever; no matter how much you may want to.

So you chose a major. Maybe you followed your parents’ advice and chose the “stable” major, the one that guarantees you a job. Or maybe you followed your own path and went with your “dream” major. Perhaps you picked a number between one and a hundred and went with the “random” major. Either way, you began your college career studying a subject that was supposed to be your future career.

But part way through you decided it wasn’t for you. That chemical engineering degree is a guaranteed future but you just don’t see yourself working on an oilrig or at a chemical plant for the rest of your life. Actually, you’re not really sure what you want to do.

That’s okay.

Not everyone knows what he or she wants to do with their lives at eighteen. Just a short two months before you began college you were sitting in a high school classroom raising your hand to ask to go to the bathroom. You haven’t had the chance to explore the world yet. How were supposed to know when you applied to college how your entire future would pan out?

Ergo, as much as it scares your parents and advisors, you switch your major to ‘undecided.’ But don’t be afraid, spending a semester or two undecided is not going to kill you. In fact, now you have the time to explore your options. Shop around! Take a variety of classes that interest you to see what you like. The first two years of college are usually packed full of the common classes every college student has to take so exploring a few other classes won’t set you behind.

Instead you’ll be able to learn what you like and what you don’t like. You’ll be able to see what’s offered on campus without feeling like you are stuck on one degree path. So don’t freak out if you’re undecided. Not everyone chooses the right major the first time. And don’t lose hope if switching majors means you have to spend another year or two earning your degree. There is no set deadline to finish college. Just breathe, keep on trudging, and somewhere along the way you’ll find a major that is right for you.

Victoria is a senior at Texas A&M University studying Bioenvironmental Sciences. She is a Chapter Advisor for HC National as well as a Contributing Writer for HC TAMU. She is also a Projects Coordinator with AGEISS Inc. Following graduation in December 2016, she will begin work in the environmental sector.