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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Ladies, it’s that glorious time of year again that just about every college kid looks forward to! And whether you’re going to a party, Northgate or somewhere out of town, you’re going to want to impress everyone with your costume. But hey, why not be super original and make your own so you don’t have to worry about running into someone dressed just like you on Halloween night. Here are some homemade costume ideas that are sure to knock it out of the park!

Mermaid: Turn an old bra into a shell bikini! Add some seashells, fake pearls, gold trim with lots of hot glue. Then add a blue high-waisted skirt as the tail, and you’re sure to be the hottest mermaid around!

Wonder Woman: Because who doesn’t want to be a sexy super heroin?! All you need is a red corset, blue skirt and a little bit of craftiness to make it your own! You’ll be turning all the superheros’ heads in town.

Loofah: This is a fun and silly one to do with your group of girlfriends! All you need is a lot of tulle in a different color for each girl. You’ll need to tie multiple bunches of tulle around several bands of elastic as if you’re making a tutt. Then just layer them on under a matching tube dress for the best results. Add something for the string, and badabing! You’ll be looking real clean;)