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The Damsel Under Stress: Course Evaluations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

So you’re chemistry lab instructor/ British Literature professor/ French professor totally screwed you over this semester? Not to mention, your class began at the a$* crack of dawn. You stayed up countless hours studying for this class over a topic that you truly couldn’t care less about. You were always in a constant panic about the next assignment and you went over the rubric so much that you had actually begun to memorize it. You’ve made the effort, so this HAS to pay off right?

Except it didn’t, and now you have a D in this course you sincerely wish you could have Q-dropped. In addition to the fact that your professor is a total and complete ass, your less than stellar mark in this class will factor into your GPA and inevitably ruin your life.

He or she offers no real explanation for the grades you receive for the work you think should be in giant, golden frame in the Academic Building next to a black-and-white picture of some handsome devil of an Aggie before us. And now you’ve begun to question your major, life choices, and existence in general.

But what can you do about it? WRITE. For the first time in your sad little life, you finally get to have your sweet, sweet revenge! Writing, which once seemed like the enemy , is now a tool you can use to your advantage, my friend. Because take it from me; the second your professor walks out the door and leaves you to write your PICA evaluations in the last ten minutes of class, you WILL feel like Ernest Hemingway (or Chelsea Handler if you’re feeling a bit more sassy in your writing style.)

SO….let it rip, collegiettes! Pour your heart out! You deserve it!

Besides, everything is anonymous   ;)

Erum Salam is a student at Texas A&M and an aspiring writer and producer. Her vast experience in television, radio, and print has prepared her for the rapidly converging career path she wants to pursue. She aims to write and produce content that will educate and entertain a global audience. She believes Her Campus offers young women a platform to vocalize their thoughts on contemporary issues facing us today, while also providing hilarious content in the form of listicles, blog posts, or quizzes that surely resonates with the female millennial demographic.