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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

do you remember in english class

how we learned that there’s such a thing

as an unreliable narrator?

well here i am, ready to talk to you.

this paper, these words, are my haven.

there’s no other way for me to capture love,

no other way for me to capture grief,

but to write, one letter and one word at a time.

but how different must our loves be!

the way i write can’t be how you feel.

there’s a beautiful continuity in human emotion

and a tragic disconnect between yours and mine.

i could write about storms or love.

(they’re the same, in the end)

but no matter how much of me i pour out,

it can never bridge the gap between us alone.

yet here i am, writing again,

telling a story of yet another pain

through a delusional, unreliable lens

in the hopes i can look back on us and understand.

I'm an outgoing, fun-loving girl from San Diego, California. I grew up playing soccer and lacrosse, and have always loved writing. I currently sing for a band, and my favorite form of writing is poetry. I'm a huge fan of pumpkin spice lattes, and I love the fall. I'm also really passionate about women's issues.