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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Howdy Ags, and welcome class of 2019! This year, HerCampus TAMU has some big plans, and we are ready to make this year the best yet!

To start this year off, we asked students what advice they have for freshmen to make the transition from high school to college a little bit easier.

Kishan Patel, a junior economic major, says to “prioritize everything you have to get done, form study parties, and be sure to set aside time for studying and stick with it. Also, eat right, join organizations, and put yourself out there.” Patel also adds that you should “find a comfortable spot to study and it’s okay to relax if you’re exhausted. Take a study break and go eat or watch a movie and then make sure you get back to it. Also, DO NOT cram for tests, start studying a week before and actually go to class because a lot of the time you’ll find out something you didn’t know for tests and what not.”

Kayla Rambeau, a sophomore interdisciplinary studies major, advises freshmen to use the map on the TAMU app, branch out, and make sure to join both social and academic organizations. She also advises to be smart about your dining dollar and meal plans and to go to sporting events other than just football.

Miranda Roberts, a junior political science and psychology major, also adds to Kayla Rambeau’s advice saying “she hears that the girl’s soccer games are so much fun to watch and that freshman should get involved because you’ll never know where you will meet your best friends!”

Everness Evangelista, a junior business-administration finance major, says “honestly, it will be hard transition to independence, but to just stay strong, find a good group of friends or an organization of interest to have some support, and to not take everything so seriously.”

Advice I have for freshman would be to make everyday here at A&M worth it because it really does go by so fast. I never believed my parents when they said college would go by so quickly, but let me tell you, it does. Enjoy it and soak up everything you can from A&M because these next four years will seriously be the best years of your life. It is where you meet your best friends, find out who you are, what you like/dislike, and where you learn not only things from your classes, but also crucial life skills such as time management.  

Freshmen, study hard because education is why we are here in the first place. Freshmen year is where you will start to learn how to balance a social life, school life, and a sleep schedule.  SLEEP IS SO IMPORTANT.  Even as a junior I struggle to find balance, but it is possible to have a social life, good grades, and a healthy lifestyle. Also, don’t forget to call your parents because they gave up so much for you in order for you to be where you are today.


The take away point is to actually study and go to class, find an organization, and get involved. A&M is a huge university, but you can always make a big university into a small one by finding your place in it.

Good luck Ags, and BTHO fall semester!