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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Life can get difficult as your mind can get stuck only thinking of the things you need to accomplish, or, if you’re going through a long tunnel, mentally completing a task that is not fun like assignments, studying for exams, etc, can make it more difficult. I’m here to remind you that there’s light at the end of the tunnel and there are still enjoyable things to do in those unfun times 

Make a list of things you enjoy 

  • Watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show or movie
  • Take a boba or coffee, break
  •  Listen to your favorite song or playlist, and I recommend something upbeat like Hype Boy by NewJeans 
  • Take a nap; sometimes you need to rest to function and process better
  • Take a shower. I know this is a simple one, but maybe that’s the only time you have to take a break, relax, and enjoy your shower with music while letting go of all the worries of the day.
  • Text a loved one and, remember, people are rooting for you!

All these small things can help you feel more at ease and reminds you there’s space to breathe. You’re doing amazing, keep going, you’re almost there! :) 

Linsy is an International Studies major at Texas A&M with a minor in Journalism and Spanish. In her free time, she enjoys writing, listening to music, and traveling.