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7 Ways Netflix is the Ultimate Significant Other (As Told by One Tree Hill)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

1. Netflix misses you just as much as you miss it when you go to class.


2. Netflix is always there for you after a bad day.


3. Netflix sees you at your worst and still loves you despite it.


4. Netflix never gives up on you (until the wifi stops working).


5. Netflix never judges your life choices (like watching 13 episodes in one day).


6. Netflix just wants what is best for you.


7. Netflix always knows how to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Who needs a relationship when you have Netflix? 

Hi there, I'm Hannah! I am a mix of cowboy boots and chacos. My bible and a soy, no water, extra hot chai latte are everyday necessities for survival. I am a sophomore leadership major with a passion for empowering young girls to know they are worth more than rubies and pearls.