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6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Buy On Black Friday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

1.       Possible Death or Injury.

A reason people make such a big deal about Black Friday every year is because, if you go, you’ll get trampled to death by a herd of angry buffalo who disguise themselves as humans for the other 364 days of the year. Instead, you should just stay in and enjoy another day spending time with your family and friends.

2.     It’s an Ethical Contradiction

I find it terribly crass that starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving, some stores this year were open for Black Friday. Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for what you have, not what you want the next day.

3.       The Marketplace Is Full of Lies.

A lot of the time, stores will take advantage of the rush and sprinkle a few “CUT PRICE” labels on products that aren’t actually a dime below their regular price. Then again, some stores do this year-round. I’m looking at you, Macy’s.

4.       The Sale Sucked.

Just because products are on sale is no reason to buy them. Amazon’s Black Friday sale, for example, is one of the most talked about sales outside of the physical retail market. The sale ended up being only slightly better than that joke called Amazon Prime Day they held earlier this year.

“The thing you wanted” might not be on sale, but hey look you can get $720 tool set for only $200! That MUST be a good deal, right?! RIGHT?!

5.       I’m a Broke College Student, and Likely, So Are You.

Let’s be honest- if you made it this far in the article, there’s a good chance you are either my editor, or someone who didn’t indulge in Black Friday either.

However, the reality is that if we all had cash overflowing from our pockets, we’d have be throwing at least some of it at the deals that hit on Friday.

Sure some college students have jobs during the semester, but more often than not they’re trying to pay for school instead of a pair of sweet new kicks. There are also some students who work during the summer and winter seasons, but often, it’s difficult to hold onto enough of your spending money to be able to take advantage of the higher end deals this late in the semester.

6.       Cyber Monday & Online > Black Friday & In-Person Shopping

Everyone boasts that they can do their Black Friday shopping online, and it truly does save you from the heartache of racing off to Walmart at 3 a.m. to find that they sold the last turntable in stock.

However, what you don’t hear them bragging about is that those online sales will be going on for several days after Black Friday, too.

Practically every store that you like has an online store, and I guarantee that all of them are going to be having a sale for Cyber Monday that will be identical to the “one day sale” they had for Black Friday. Amazon’s Cyber Monday sale is even extending to the end of next week! So if you’re a gambler like I am, one of the biggest reasons for skipping Black Friday is in the hopes that the following week will hold better sales on the things you actually want.

Howdy! My name is Andrew Harris and I'm a senior Psychology major from Houston, Texas. However most importantly, I'm the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2017! A-Whoop! I am a Campus Correspondent for TAMU's chapter of Her Campus. I'm passionate about empowering the intelligent women of Texas A&M and making their voices heard!