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10 Things a Boy Never Has to Think About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

There are many things a boy and girl are taught starting at a young age. Boys cannot hit girls; girls “No boy will date you if you continue to *insert unladylike action here*”. Some can be infuriating, like the dreaded “Boys will be boys.” and “If a boy is mean to you they like you.” All the cliches that sum up childhoods in typical gender roles. But it seems that the list for a girl seems so much longer than it is for a typical boy.


Parking near street lights

When I turned 16 I got a whole new list of things I had to look out for. Parking under a light was my mom’s first piece of advice. For one it makes your car so much easier to find, but in reality it is so when you have to get in your car there is adequate light so you can see and the light makes it less likely than your dark counterpart to get taken. Scary thought? Yes, but it’s a reality we have to face.  


The walking to your car at night checklist

Walking to your car at night? Here is a checklist:

1. Keep your purse close

2. Take your keys out and have them ready

3. Have your phone in your other hand

4. Check surroundings and under the car

5. And if you feel a little sketched out, there is always the claw of keys to have at your ready.


Being promiscuous = being a whore 

I’m sorry, but no guy has ever been judged for having sex. For not having sex, maybe. But every girl starting at puberty has been judged for or for not being sexual. We get judged for having sex, for not having sex, for being a tease, for being with only one guy, for being with multiple. We can’t win. And God forbid we get pregnant, or have a scare. Why do guys get the choice to be involved? Why don’t we? Oh, yeah… judgement. 


Making sure people know where you are before, during, and after a first date 

My roommates and I joke about this one, but it’s serious. We started sharing our locations because of Tinder as a joke, but it’s actually smart and not something guys do, or at least admit to. Yes, we stalk each other. We let each other know about our dates and make sure each of us knows that we’ve made it home safe afterward.


Watching your drink

Everyone is aware of this rule. Before I even drank I was told to always watch my glass and don’t let anyone else, but myself make my drink at a party. It’s something you don’t think about, you just do. I didn’t even think much of this issue until I was at a bar on Northgate a few months ago and paid for my drink, but it didn’t come. I was looking around and there was a big commotion, but when isn’t there on Northgate. When I finally got my drink, our bartender apologised and told us that they weren’t allowed to serve until someone left because he was slipping things in girls drinks! So please, everyone be careful and watch your drinks, and your friend’s drinks, and your friend’s friend’s drinks.


Going to the bathroom with a friend 

Guys make fun of us for this one all the time, but the reason no girl goes to the bathroom alone: There is strength in numbers. Plus we want to hype each other up and talk about you. Duh.


Leaving out an earbud

Have you ever watched an episode of criminal minds?? This should be common sense for most, but even more for girls it seems. My mom would always stop me before leaving the house in middle school with both headphones in and remind me to take one out. I would roll my eyes and comply before running out the door. With both headphones in you cannot hear an approach. The approach of a car, a bike, or you know, the neighborhood creep.


The cat call 

Walking down the street and Mr. Yeet Yeet whistle from the truck daddy bought him? Makes you wanna date him, right? No. That’s why you will never catch a girl do it. Just another thing a guy only does and it isn’t returned. Another warning girls must be aware of.


Shark week 

I grew up spending one week at the beach every summer, so I know this one and I know most girls do not. That lovely week of the month, not only does it suck for all the usual reasons, but you also should not enter any waters where sharks may be. The blood will attract those not so fun sea creatures to shore and shark attack not necessarily you, but those around you. Gives a whole new meaning to shark week.


Always being aware of your surrounding men

Yes, a guy will always be aware of the surrounding women, but women are aware of their counterparts for very different reasons. For example, walking around Walmart alone I always seem to attract an unwelcome follower. If I wasn’t aware of this I might walk out to my car to bad things.. or just get in my car and drive away, but it always feels like the former. Pro tip, you can go up to customer service in any store and they will gladly have someone walk you out to your car.


Let’s face it: being a girl entails a lot of maneuvering in the day to day for our safety from a young age. We may be the weaker gender in theory, but we must always be on our toes which I believe makes us stronger. The future is female, and that future shouldn’t have to worry about having to pass these hints along.

Alexandria Edmundson is a Food Science major, minoring in business at Texas A&M University. She spends most of her time in random restraunts studying, but when she isn't she's probably napping. Napping, dancing, or driving around with her dog (probably also dancing there too).
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." – Ernest Hemingway Carina received her B.A. in English from Texas A&M University in May 2019. She was employed on campus at the University Writing Center as a Writing Consultant and in the Department of English as a Digital Media Assistant. She was the Editor-in-Chief for the Her Campus at TAMU chapter and was also the President of TAMU’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society. She previously interned with the Her Campus National Team as a Chapter Advisor and with KVIA ABC-7 News as a News Correspondent Assistant.