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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Let’s face it; Netflix is the ultimate go-to for college kids. Whether you turn to Netflix on a rainy, cold day (which may come out of nowhere here in College Station) or as a rewards system used to help you study, we can always count on Netflix to be there for us (well, when Suddenlink is working at least). The biggest problem for most of us, however, is binge watching. Once you start a great TV series, it is impossible to stop until you’ve finished every season. Unfortunately, if you’re like the majority of us, that means setting aside biology homework for House of Cards. My solution to this is to just stick to movies, so I have made it my hobby this semester to find some pretty awesome movies on Netflix—most of which you’ve probably never heard about! (Warning: most are chick flicks that may evoke some major emotions).

1) Ondine- Weird movie title so l won’t give anything away. Find out for yourself. 


2) A Little Bit of Heaven- Kate Hudson is definitely heaven, I mean look at her. 


3) Stuck In love– All-star cast right here!

                4) The Big Wedding– Another all-star cast 


5) Charlie Countryman– Why, hello there Shia LaBeouf.

6) Chef- FOOD.


7) How I Live Now- How I live now? I live in a student dorm/aparment watching Netflix and eating God knows what. Oh, you meant the movie…awk.


8) One Day- One day, you might not cry during a romantic movie. That day is not today.


9) Almost Famous-Kate Hudson has made this list twice now. Apparently she is the Netflix movie queen.


10) Good Will Hunting (Because it’s like the best movie ever)