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Why I Don’t Support Kanye Begging For Debt Relief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now about Kanye West’s latest issue. He’s apparently $53 million in debt. Recently he’s reached out to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg publicly asking for money to continue his creativity and there is even a GoFund me page set up for him.  Now Kanye, imma let you finish, but as a hardworking college student facing my own debt, I don’t feel bad for you. Let me explain.


Unlike you Mr. West, as students, we aren’t spending our money on furs for our families or mansions in Paris. We all hope to be in a position where we can afford to do that but it’s just not realistic. So instead, we’re taking out loan after loan trying to educate ourselves and make our way in this world. Yes, some of us will go on to follow in your footsteps: a clothing line at NYFW, a hot new mix tape, (an honorary Kardashian member) but not all of us want to pursue that route, and there’s nothing wrong with that.



The reason I don’t feel bad for you sir, is that you didn’t need to purchase furs or mansions or thousands of dollars worth of anything like that. I appreciate the fact that you want to treat your family to the finer things in life, because I too want to repay my family for all they’ve done for me and treat them like royalty as they deserve. But unfortunately it won’t happen. You put yourself into crippling debt by doing this. I personally put myself into debt so that I can create a life, a career for myself.


Don’t get me wrong; I’m a big fan of your work. I’m just trying to explain to you that students are in debt for years after they graduate and most of us aren’t getting any financial help. Hell, I’d beg Mark Zuckerberg for money too, but with the amount of money you make with the art that you create (not that I know your income), there shouldn’t be a question of who deserves aid when it comes to paying their bills.


I support your music by buying the albums. I’d support your clothing line if I could afford it. But what I don’t support is you begging for someone to dig you out of debt, when $53 million could’ve sent so many people to college or pay off an incredible amount of student debt. 

Sam is Campus Correspondent for the University of Tampa! She is a communications major with a concentration in media studies and a minor in new media production. For someone who is barely five feet tall, Sam has big aspirations. She hopes to become the next Rachel Hollis or Miranda Priestly. If all else fails however, she’ll have an exciting future as Mrs. Justin Bieber! Sam talks non stop about her sorority, Pi Beta Phi and can easily be spotted on campus wearing her letters. She is an avid brunch goer and disney enthusiast. Buy her some cheesecake and you're guaranteed friends.
Hi, I'm Chanel. I'm a Sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in Public Health. I laugh at horror movies, don't understand romantic movies, and cry during documentaries. I am vegetarian, but I will make an exception for pepperoni pizza rolls because the plain cheese are just plan disgusting. I dream of owning a cuddly pet chicken and a tiny home. Hm... I also enjoy torturing myself by spending an hour and half in a 105 degree room to practice Bikram Yoga. That is all.