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What your favorite Ice Cream flavor says about you!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

  Vanilla: You are into the simple things. The little things in life make you happy! You are minimalistic and don’t have many worries. 

Chocolate: You are a talkative and lively person, with a child-like personality! You are connected to your past and place a lot of importance on the relationships in your life. 

Mint Chip: You have a fun childlike spirit in you! You are colorful and interesting. You are artistic and creative, and the left side of your brain is always working. 

Coffee: You are a hard-working and mature person whose addiction to caffeine extends to your dessert choices. You use logic to make most decisions in your life, and you stick to a practical lifestyle. 

Strawberry: You are bubbly and social, and you love spending time with many different kinds of people. You also have a more introverted side and believe in the importance of balance.

Birthday Cake: You are connected to your childhood, and you love sweets! You have a lot of friends, and are excited about life!

Brianna Lemarier is a writer for the University of Maine chapter. She writes on topics that apply to students in different ways, including some specific to the University of Maine. Brianna is a Peer Advisor at UMaine's Career Center where she conducts resume and cover letter review appointments and workshops with students. She is a senior in the English major with a concentration in professional writing and a minor in creative writing. Brianna is passionate about stories and many forms of writing. She is content when she can read and drink coffee every single day. She believes in the power of communication to connect people and help them to understand each other and create a better world together. Instagram: @briannalemarier