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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

This will be my fifth year as a vegan, so I feel like I’ve adapted pretty well to the vegan Thanksgiving experience, and how to make it just as good as it was growing up. The great thing about so many Thanksgiving dishes is their ability to be vegan with the slightest alterations. Other than the Turkey, I’ve found myself eating all the same sides I did as a child, and they taste just as great! All you need is some almond milk and vegan butter here and there and you’re good to go. This guide includes my favorite dishes on a turkey-less turkey day.

Cranberry Sauce

I didn’t always love cranberry sauce or relish, but for some reason now I seem to crave it every Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect sweet but tart dish that you can use as a topping or eat on it’s own, that isn’t as filling as all the carbs most of us tend to indulge in. 



Mashed Potatoes

This one’s a given, but it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the perfect light and fluffy mashed potatoes. At home, all I do is use almond milk and vegan butter instead of dairy and they taste just as amazing.

Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows

This dish is perfect as it is inherently vegan (as long as you use vegan marshmallows). It’s such a good addition to your Thanksgiving sides, and doubles as a dessert to fill all of your sweet tooth cravings. I prefer Dandies’ vegan marshmallows to put on top, but you can also use regular ones if you desire. 



I can’t even begin to explain how obsessed I am with stuffing. Stuffing can be made in a variety of different ways, which I think is what makes it so great. You never know what to expect, but it always tastes amazing. It’s super easy to veganize, so make sure to not leave it off of this year’s menu!

Green Bean Casserole

This one can be controversial, so I’ll leave it up to you, but I always enjoy green bean casserole as an extra vegetable on my plate. If it’s made correctly, it usually tastes pretty good and helps to diversify the plate. 

Emma is a Senior Advertising and Public Relations major and Women and Gender Studies/Journalism minor at The University of Tampa. She loves the beach, graphic design, photography, and traveling.