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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes, I like to refer to myself as a “boss bitch”. I feel as though it’s an endearing term that recognizes the hard work I put into the things I do. I am a boss, bitch! The term brings me pride and excitement. I own the fact that I work hard. 


So what exactly is a “boss bitch”? 

A “boss bitch” handles everything herself. A “boss bitch” gets every single thing on her to-do list done. A “boss bitch” centers her day around what she can do to advance her career and lifestyle. However, dedicating my time to being a “boss bitch” is the root of a lot of my anxiety. It also conflicts with my ability to sit still for five minutes without a million to-do list tasks running through my head. Even while I sit here writing this, my brain is spinning: 

What am I doing tomorrow? What do I have due tomorrow? Did I respond to those emails? Did I send that text? What could I be doing instead? Am I forgetting something important? 

I often keep myself so busy that when I’m trying to take time to myself I am still thinking about what I should be doing instead.  I realize that I have been sucked into the “lifestyle” of what some call “Hustle Culture”. It is so easy to get sucked into this “hustle” mentality when we are surrounded with images on social media of women living successful lives. It is easy to compare ourselves to others when we want to live the same kind of lifestyle that they’re living. However, it is not okay to work ourselves to the bone, because I guarantee you most of the women you admire did not get where they are by taking zero time for themselves.


I would like to re-define (for myself and others) what it means to be a “boss bitch” while still having a life outside of work. So naturally, I turned to my best friend Google for a solution to my seemingly never ending workday. 

What came up was an article titled “The Brewing Backlash Against Hustle Culture and Its Effects on Our Mental Health” from ThriveGlobal.com. The following are tips they suggested on how to separate your life from your work.


1. Declare an end to your day.

This is a particular issue I struggle with. Since almost everything is online now, it is SO easy to let your work life flow into your home life. I’m going to begin working on this by creating boundaries. No checking email after 7 p.m.; no last second messages to people about work the next day. Just generally: no work after 7. 

2. Go to bed just a few minutes earlier than you usually do.

Sleep!!! I forget how important sleep is alllll the time. This is definitely something I need to work on. 

3. Schedule your time on a calendar for something that matters to you.

Even if it’s something small like going to the gym or taking a walk. Put it on your schedule for the day. Make time for the things that matter. 

4. Keep a water bottle.

The article mentions this so that you can periodically take a break from work throughout the day. But honestly, just drink a ton of water. It’s good for you.

5. Each day, spend time on someone else, even if you’re busy. 

This one is a hard one. I always make plans and end up cancelling them because I’m convinced I haven’t done enough work for the day and my to-do list isn’t completely empty. Give yourself time away from work and the computer. Your mind and body will thank you for it. 




Amanda Thompson is a native of Portland, Maine who is currently a Senior studying Communications at The University of Tampa. When she's not binge-watching New Girl, you can find her dancing around to Jhené Aiko, Lana Del Rey or Kehlani. If you want to keep up with Amanda, follow her on Instagram @amaandathompson