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Throwback Thursday: 5 Movies Your Younger Self Will Thank You for Watching

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Somewhere between growing up and becoming an adult we have forgotten the people we grew up with, like Lizzie McGuire. Being a kid in the 2000’s were the glory days and we often forget the simple days of when Disney made quality movies, back when DCOM’s where something you looked forward to coming out every month. Before Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan took turns for the worst, these were movies that shaped our childhood. 

1. The Lizzie McGuire Movie

From watching every single episode religiously, to reading all the books, The Lizzie McGuire Movie was the best thing to happen to all girls in the year 2003. To this day whenever you hear someone sing “Hey now, hey now!” you instinctively sing back “THIS IS WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF!”

2. Life-Size

Having rediscovered Life-Size was one of the better things that has happened. How could we possibly have forgotten Tyra Banks’ one and only acting job as Lindsay Lohan’s life-size doll Eve!?

3. Cadet Kelly

One of DCOM’s better movies, Hilary Duff proves that she can go from living the ideal life to attending military school like a champ.

4. Ella Enchanted

Ella Enchanted taught us not to let people walk all over you and to stand up for yourself. You are your own individual, and no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do, including killing the incredibly handsome Prince Char.

5. Big Fat Liar 

Jason and Kaylee lived a life that you’ve always wanted to live. They got to fly to LA and live in a storage warehouse for props, all while seeking revenge on Marty Wolf, whom you grew to hate just as much as they did. 

Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Aurora O'Brien is a Junior at the University of Tampa majoring in Elementary Education. Born and raised in Boston, MA she came to Tampa to escape the snow and the cold. When she is not writing for HerCampus, you can find her binge watching Netflix, listening to everything and anything that has to do with country music, and dreaming of one day marrying Taylor Kitsch, aka Tim Riggins. A die hard Boston sports fan, she spends her time watching the Red Sox and the Bruins. No matter how far life takes her, she will always love that dirty water, and Boston will always be her home.