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\"boy in headphones on the riverwalk\"
Original photo by Alexis Duffy
Culture > Digital

The Passions of Causal Photography in the Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

In our social society, the newest trend is social media and the aesthetics of creating artsy videos and having the best photos to post. It’s almost a new form of art just being uploaded to social media platforms by creative minds. Some people post for the views, and others post for the aesthetic. It is not a bad way to spend your time on social media instead of endlessly scrolling. Use social media to be creative and post interesting photos. But the real question is, how do you get to that artistic level?

Okay, let’s start by saying you’re in a class and get assigned a photo project when it is not a photo class. The first thing that goes to your mind is (1) this is not a photography class, (2) I don’t have a camera, (3) and I am totally not good at taking photographs. Yeah… that happens, especially if you’re in college for a BA. Just pretend like you’re taking Instagram-worthy photos.

It is okay if you have no experience– you just need an eye for beauty. Everyone sees beauty in their own way.

Photography is a modern form of art. While this art form isn’t made with materials like paint, it is about finding the perfect shot. Photography is finding art in reality and using a camera to secure it. Pictures capture emotions, create works of art, and point out the beauty in the world. People post social media photos without even realizing they took the perfect shot.

Original photo by Alexis Duffy

“Anyone can take a picture, right?” Yes, of course, but finding the perfect shot is what really matters. If you have a subject, you can capture the scene with the emotions in it to create a powerful image. One face can have a thousand words. A picture with a subject can leave the viewer’s mind wandering, which is one of the cool things about photography– interpretation. Audiences take photos, paintings, films, social media, etc., and interpret whatever they want.

Original photo by Alexis Duffy

College can be a stressful time balancing social life and your education; not even TikTok can help you get out of a funk. So, my go-to when I feel lost is to remember how beautiful the world is. Nature has so much beauty, and if you don’t stop and take it all in, you may never notice it. Go outside or to the nearest town, day or night, and start taking pictures of things that catch your eye. I bet you will impress yourself. 

The final outcomes of pictures are pleasing and something to be proud of. Show your work. Let people see that you can take our reality and highlight the best parts of it.

Here are some tips for while taking causal photos:

  • Go on Pinterest to find inspiration.
  • Use your phone or rent a camera.
  • Use a subject if you don’t know where to start.
  • Take a picture of what is aesthetically pleasing to you.
Alexis Duffy is the President and Senior Editor at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She writes and edits articles as well as managing the chapter at Tampa. Her articles cover entertainment and lifestyle topics focusing on films and traveling. Outside of Her Campus, Alexis is a senior at the University of Tampa, double majoring in Communication, Media & Culture, and Advertising & Public Relations. She is currently an part time employee at the Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network, where she works on media projects and shadows in the tv studios helping with production. Alexis enjoys art, adventures, film, and traveling during her downtime. She often finds herself going down a rabbit hole when watching videos about the production of a movie, interviews, and fun facts about cinema. Alexis always seems to have her phases, whether it’s a Harry Potter marathon or watching The Dark Knight Trilogy.