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The Dangers of Frat Parties

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Entering college, you experience freedom for the first time, and usually, the first thing you want to do is party. Of course, go and do what you want because it is a great way to make friends, but also be cautious. Frat or house parties are fun but can also have serious consequences. You may over-drink, you could get roofied, or get caught by your campus safety or the police.

As someone who has now attended two universities, I’ve experienced my fair share of fraternity parties. During most of my experiences, I have witnessed some absurd events and situations that I would never want to be in. I never had a super bad experience at a frat until the night I arrived on campus. At my last university, I always made it home to my bed. Being my first night here, I wanted to go out and meet people, and the best way to do that was by going to a party. I met some amazing people at this party and had a great time until I didn’t. The last thing I can remember is talking to some new friends I made. When I woke up the next morning, I was in the hospital with my parents looking down on me and a bunch of notifications on my phone. This could be you; you could wake up to texts asking you if you made it home, and you might not be able to answer them. I know I couldn’t. I know that people really do take what could happen seriously because lots of people reached out to me, which is definitely normal when going through something traumatic. I know I sustained some minor injuries, but I want you to know that it could have been so much worse. Now, I don’t want to scare anyone, but you can get seriously injured when drinking excessively; you could fall and hurt yourself. If you’re lucky to wake up the next morning, you’ll likely feel sick, confused, and really upset over your actions.

Going to frat parties is fine, and you’re supposed to have fun in college, but you may end up in a situation you wouldn’t expect. Not only could you get hurt, but you could get in trouble. So if you get to the party and you want to stay safe,

Here are some things you can do:

  • Stay Sober
  • Have a DD or a ride plan
  • Keep track of your drinks
  • Set a limit
  • ALWAYS watch your cup

If this does happen to you, especially if you’re caught at school, you will have some major ramifications, ranging from education about alcohol to probation to suspension/expulsion. Just remember, if anything traumatic happens to you, there are resources at your school, like counseling. Have fun, but stay safe!

Haley Drury is a member and a part of the Social Media Team at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She writes articles. Her articles cover lifestyle topics focusing on books and the college experience. Outside of Her Campus, Haley is a sophomore at the University of Tampa, majoring in Marketing and minoring in Digital Media. She is currently ANAD Coordinater for her sorority Delta Phi Epsilon. Haley enjoys reading, film, and going to the gym in her downtime. She is often lost in a book and will stay up all night to finish it. Haley is probably rewatching or rereading the After series or looking for the latest installment or arguing how #teamJeremiah is the only team that matters.