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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

The beginning of a new semester is always a nerve-racking time. Work seems to pile up so quickly, and being in a new environment can induce anxiety for so many students. Over the last few years, I’ve learned about a number of metaphysical solutions for these kinds of feelings and have grown such a love for crystals. Although they are definitely not a replacement for medical treatment, crystals have been amazing tools to relieve anxiety in my experience.

Here are my three favorite crystals to use for reducing anxiety:

Lepidolite: This is my absolute favorite crystal to use when I am feeling anxious. It contains lithium, which is found in antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications. To use it, I often place it on my heart while I meditate. If I were to recommend one crystal to someone dealing with anxiety, it would definitely be this one. I have seen huge benefits from using it!

Blue Lace Agate: I absolutely love this stone to calm me before giving a presentation. It is known to ease worry and allow its user to speak freely. If you have social anxiety this could be a really useful tool! I carry a few tumbles around with me when I know I have to meet new people or speak publicly. 

Howlite: When I first started working with crystals, I was never immediately drawn to this one. Luckily, I decided to give it a try and found it was amazing for creating a sense of inner peace and calmness. If you struggle with overthinking and anxiety before you go to bed, putting a piece of howlite under your pillow or by your bedside could be a great way to use it!

Remember that crystals are not a cure-all and should never be used to replace your medical treatments. With that being said, I hope you find them to be helpful tools for relieving some anxiety and calming your mind.

Jessie is a Music Technology major at the University of Tampa. She loves to write about music, spirituality, entertainment, cooking, and astrology. Outside of Her Campus, she is pursuing her career in the music industry and works with Grammy U and Women In Music. (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥