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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

So by now, most Teen Wolf fans know that there will be a new Teen Wolf movie, so let’s talk about what we know so far. 

  1. The Release Date

On October 7, it was announced that the Teen Wolf movie would be coming out on January 26, 2023. The clip they released has me worried because Derek, one of my favorite characters, has already gone through so much pain, and I’m so scared for him. But yes, I have something to look forward to in January now.

  1. Returning Characters

So the returning characters as of now are Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Peter Hale, Melissa McCall, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Sheriff Stilinski, Chris Argent, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Malia Tate/Hale, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Coach Finstock, and Allison Argent. A lot of people are upset about Stiles not being in the movie, but I’m honestly fine with it. Would I love for him to be in the movie? Of course,I would, but he’s not all that Teen Wolf is about, and maybe he will be in a future one if this movie does well.

  1. New Characters

Ahh, the newbies of Beacon Hills. I believe that there are at least three new characters in Beacon Hills, and they are Hikari Zhang, Deputy Ishida, and Eli Hale. I’m most excited for Eli, obviously, since he’s Derek’s son, and I can’t wait to see dad Derek.

  1. The Oni

So Allison’s back, and so are the oni and nogitsune, it seems like. I have a whole theory that I’ll address later. They worry me a little bit because the last time we had seen the oni and nogitsune, Allison had died, and now that she is revived and with them, I’m worried. 

  1. Relationships

It was announced by Dylan Sprayberry, aka Liam Dunbar, that Hikari Zhang would be Liam’s love interest in the movie, and I’m kinda disappointed for one reason: Thiam. Thiam is the ship of Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar; In season six, there is so much build-up between the relationship of Theo and Liam, and they go and do this. Like you can’t tell me that they weren’t at least a little bit in love. Theo sacrificed his life so many times for Liam, and Liam is the reason did not leave Beacon Hills during the final battle.

  1. My Theory

Ok, theory time. In season three part b, they had captured the nogitsune fly in the triskelion box that held Talia Hale’s claws. Chris Argent took that box with him and Isaac Lahey to France, and that is the last time we saw it. So what if something happened with Isaac that caused the nogitsune to be released, or if he released it himself because he missed Allison? So I think that the secret character that everybody thinks is in the movie is Isaac because it would make a lot of sense for it to be him. And I just love Isaac.

I cannot wait for this movie to come out, and I will definitely have a review of it written after I watch it. Can January come any sooner?

Maggie Twomey is the student government representative at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She mainly writes articles that cover entertainment and experiences. Outside of HerCampus, Maggie is a junior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Elementary Education. She has worked as a summer camp counselor in the past for grades third, fourth, and fifth and is currently interning at schools in the Tampa area. Maggie enjoys traveling, reading, and painting in her free time. Usually Maggie finds herself reading or listening to a book. You will find that when Maggie is reading she always has a fantasy novel in her hand.