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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Since the start of COVID, I took it upon myself (well, more like my mom did) to begin taking more vitamins and supplements for my body. 

I don’t know why, but sometimes I just get so stubborn in taking them. However, since the semester recently started, I decided that it was time to make some lifestyle changes and truly start having a healthier lifestyle. 

That being said, here are some things that I have been taking and what I ultimately recommend: 

  1. FLO Gummies- These help TREMENDOUSLY with my PMS and any symptoms relating to that. My acne also drastically cleared up since using them daily. I really recommend getting these! They are a $25/month subscription, but I think it is totally worth it. Plus they taste amazing!!
  2. Biotin for hair, skin, and nails. Keeps my hair and nails healthy & strong and brightens my skin a bit more. 
  3. Elderberry Gummies- An amazing source of antioxidants that help to boost your immune system.
  4. Iron- for all the known reasons (I am ALWAYS cold!!) 
  5. D3 – strengthens bones & muscles, boosts immunity, and increases my mood. Personally, I take these when I am stressed or overwhelmed… sometimes my lips begin to crack, so taking these occasionally help to combat that stress or anxiety. 
  6. Vitamin C!!! I can’t stress this one enough!! I take a liposomal vitamin C– meaning it is absorbed more quickly into my body– almost every day. This keeps me in check and helps to fight any little bug that comes around.

Taking supplements and getting in the habit of taking them can seem so challenging. Pace yourself and set a schedule or a reminder. I currently use an app called Round and it reminds me every morning and night of what I need or should take. It sends a notification to my phone and I am able to keep track of what I take each day!

And to be quite honest, I do NOT take all of these every day. I find a balance that works for me & my schedule to make me feel fulfilled and not overwhelmed with it all. 

From taking these, I have seen a huge change in my life. I have a better mood, better motivation, and an overall improved outlook on life! I hope I have inspired you to take action in giving your body the right supplements to ensure you are being the best version of yourself from the inside!!

Hi! My name is Jeanne-Marie Branche. I am 21 years old and a double major in communication and dance at the University of Tampa. I was born in Trinidad & Tobago and have lived in Florida for most of my life. I love writing and sharing my experiences, ideas, advice with others. I cannot wait to reach out and connect with everyone!! Check out my dance blog on IG @dancersofthelight!