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The stages of waiting for Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. Especially for us college kids who can dress as anything from a sexy kitten to a bottle of franzia to a full out minion. But we have all experienced these stages of the upcoming holiday.

1.  What should I be??

I can honestly tell you I’ve been planning my Halloween costume since this summer, and have constantly been changing my mind. This stage consists of looking up costumes online, pinteresting and looking up diy ideas. In the end you’ll most likely choose your first choice (I know I did).



2. Binge watching every Halloween movie you can get your hands on.

Self explanatory. We will be watching a Halloween movie every single night until the 31st.



3. Decorations

Pumpkins, spiders, bats, ghosts, ghouls, you name it we got it.


4.  The plans

One must plan accordingly when deciding where to go on Halloween night. A house party? Club? Bar? Chances are you will begin drinking and end up wherever you end up.


5. Getting ready

It is time to transform yourself into something or someone else


6. Its party tiiiimeeee

Ooo killem.



Anna is currently a sophomore at UT! She enjoys long walks on the beach and crispy bacon.