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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I have so much to talk about, but I don’t know how to talk about it. 

I could talk about how draining college is and I’m only in my second semester.  

I could talk about how my inner child desperately needs to be healed, but I don’t know how to help her. 

I could talk about how I hope my little brother feels like he can come to me about everything.

I could talk about how I have no idea want to do with my life and it stresses me out every day.

I could talk about how lonely I feel.

I could talk about my love for animals.

I could talk about I want to experience love even though I tell my friends I don’t want a significant other but in reality, I just feel unlovable.

I could talk about how much I struggle with my sexuality and how in denial I am.

I could talk about much I’m dreading going back home for the summer.

I could talk about how I feel like I don’t know where I belong.

I could talk about unfair it is that we don’t have superpowers.

I could talk about how humanity is so beautiful yet so cruel.

I could talk about my love for rediscovering songs that I once loved.

I could talk about how I wish I was skinny but trying so hard to love myself in my own body.

I wish I felt pretty. 

I could talk about the comfort of stuffed animals.

I could talk about all the tattoos I want.

I could talk about how watching the sunset at the beach is gives you one of the purest and most serotonin feelings. 

I could talk about how my two best friends back home made me into the person I am today. The confidence they give me, and the first people to make me feel like I could be myself around them. I hope they know I love them forever. 

I could talk about how much of a shitty person I feel like when I try so hard to be a good person.

I could talk about how femininity is so beautiful.

I could talk about how I’m absolutely terrified to get older.

I could talk about how I have so much to talk about, but I don’t know how to talk about it and who to talk about it to. 

Freshman majoring in International business with a minor in marketing who likes to write sometimes