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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

One of the sixteen Myer’s-Briggs personality types, INFP, stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perception. They are sometimes called “The Mediators” because of their aversion to conflict and their ability to get along with others.

Signs That You’re an INFP:

  • Introversion

After a long week, introverts find the best way to recharge their battery is to have a relaxing night in. As for me, though, I’ve always identified more as an “ambivert”- someone who’s in-between introvert and extrovert. I love my alone time, and breaks from the hustle and bustle of everyday life help me avoid getting overwhelmed. That being said, I still love exploring the world and conversing with people! 

  • Intuition

Do you sometimes feel like you have your head in the clouds? That isn’t a bad thing! Intuitives are highly idealistic and imaginative and have a rich inner world. Sometimes when I listen to music, I imagine a possible story that I could write based on the song. Intuitions also trust their intuition. This makes INFPs talented writers, artists, musicians, 

  • Feeling

Do you tend to think with your heart instead of your head? As a kid, I was what would now be described as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). I hated movie theaters because of the stimulation. I was deeply affected by sad stories and hearing about the world’s injustices, like bullying. As a kid who always had her nose buried deep in a book, one fictional character I found myself relating to the most was Cassie from Animorphs, the animal lover and “tree hugger” of the group, who always put her own personal morals before anything else and mediated conflict.

  • Perception

Although you feel deeply about the things that are important to you, at the same time, you have a “go with the flow” attitude. You’d be in favor of stopping and smelling the roses, even if it means being a little late for an event. 

My name's Chrissy, I'm a 2024 graduate and Writing Major/Linguistics Minor at the University of Tampa. When I'm not writing, I enjoy listening to music, swimming, meditating, reading, and good vibes.