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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

If you haven’t already seen, there is a trend going around on TikTok where women ask the men in their lives how often they think about the Roman Empire. Women posted videos of all different types of men (fathers, brothers, boyfriends), admitting that they think about the Roman Empire pretty often. 

This leaves the question of… why? Although I’m not sure why (and I don’t think anyone is sure why), men apparently think about the Roman Empire a lot. My best guess is that men look up to the Roman Empire, as it was a very male-dominated period in history.  

The question that was on my mind after watching these videos was, “As women, what is OUR version of the Roman Empire?” 

I figured that I would take more of a pop culture route with this question. So, I thought of some pop culture moments that can be considered the girl versions of the Roman Empire trend, and I compiled a list!  

Modern pop culture moments are OUR versions of the Roman Empire.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s Relationship 

Although it seems like their relationship still never leaves headlines, I find myself thinking about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s relationship a lot! When I was younger, I was convinced that they were going to get married. Their whole relationship was in the public eye. They were undoubtedly THE teen couple of the 2010s. Also, does anyone remember the Call Me Maybe music video they made together? Now, THAT was a prominent moment in history right there. 

Princess Diana 

Princess Diana was the people’s princess. Although she passed away before I was even born, I find myself diving into articles and documentaries about the life of Princess Diana. Not only was her life incredibly fascinating, but she was also known to be one of the most compassionate and loved members of the royal family. She was often seen participating in tons of humanitarian work. She continues to be a very prominent historical figure. Not to mention, she had an amazing fashion sense. 

Zayn Leaving One Direction 

One Direction was formed in 2010 and had a very successful career. However, after about five years in the band, Zayn Malik decided to leave the band. Zayn claimed that stress was the reason for his decision; however, there are a lot of speculations as to what the reason really was. Although the band still had a very successful couple of years without him, Zayn leaving One Direction was devastating news to many… including my twelve-year-old self. 

Kylie Jenner’s First Pregnancy 

Remember when Kylie Jenner announced that she had a baby out of nowhere? I do. I remember being completely shocked. I also remember that she announced it on Super Bowl Sunday. I’m not sure if that was a PR move, but if it was, it was a great one. Also, Stormi is the cutest kid ever. 

Heidi Klum’s Halloween Costumes

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to Heidi Klum’s Halloween costumes every year. She’s been a worm, an old woman, Fiona from Shrek, Jessica Rabbit, and more. She always goes ALL OUT for Halloween, and I eat it up every single time. Remember when she just had a bunch of clones of herself running around with her for Halloween? Her costumes are always top-tier.