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Motivation Monday: Walking Away

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Every now and then take a step back and look at your life from a different perspective. Sometimes you’ll be satisfied at where you are, but other times you’ll find out that you need to start all over. You need to turn your life around. Don’t think of it as giving up. You must think of it as letting go of things and people who are making you miserable, or creating too much drama in your life. Therefore, walking away would be a game-changer for you.

Be sure that taking a big step like this is worth it, because you’re respecting yourself enough to walk away from anyone/anything that doesn’t make you happy anymore. At this point in life you learn that it’s all about priorities. You’ll learn the hard way that no one is worth chasing after.

Through out the process of walking away, you might be caught up in the middle between your heart and your mind, between desire and compromise, or between whether you’re confident of letting go, or seeing how much more you can take. You’ll be all over the place trying to figure yourself out, and what it is that you really want. You must know that it won’t be easy but trust me on this, in the end, it is all worth it. Be in charge and know that you’re the only person responsible for your own happiness and nothing else matters…

Photo Sources: 1, 2