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Motivation Monday: A Vision

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Everyone has a vision, a dream they aspire to reach and, a specific outcome of the life they wish to lead; but what truly gets you there is the work you put in. Life is all about pulling the bull by the horns. When you see an opportunity go for it, don’t sit in the wings and wait for the chance to come; you have to fight for what you want. In the beautiful words of Oscar De La Renta, “Things never happen on accident. They happen because you have a vision, a commitment, you have a dream.” Even when things are getting rough and you aren’t seeing an outcome right away, just know the work you’re putting in will pay off. You can do whatever you put your mind to. Don’t let the small things bring you down; they’re only small obstacles blocking your path. In the end, love/passion is what we all need, and having a purpose is why we push forward. Just simply open the door to your heart and follow your dreams.

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"Your life is your art. You are the art. And it's more than the sum total of the jobs you book, the paintings your create, the poetry you write, the money you save, the sales you make. It's your joy and hope and love and passion expressed onto this gigantic canvas called Existence." - Anthony Meindl