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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Recently I’ve been looking back on a lot of memories I have. It started when I was transferring photos in my google photos to Onedrive because I was running out of room in my Google account. I have a lot of fond memories of my years before college.

What jump-started this idea of looking back is a series of videos and photos I have from May 2018 when my old elementary school (grades pre-K-3 to 8th) was performing “High School Musical” for the spring musical. I was finishing up my freshman year of high school, and I had gone back because I was friends with some of the 8th graders in that year since we had all been in the school for a while, and some of my friends from my year went back to see it too. I kind of forgot some of those memories surrounding a couple of those friends, but when I saw that video, it opened my mind to this whole thing of looking back. 

For the past few days, I was just looking at the photos, and I would remember the memories that came with them, and it was a very calming experience. My parents visited on Tuesday, and we talked about past memories that were just hilarious. One time we had gone to Disney with my mom’s side of the family when my sister was about 5, maybe, and we had eaten lunch at Sci-Fi in Hollywood Studios when there was a massive rainstorm. My sister kept saying her stroller was gonna drown, and it almost got swept away, to be fair, but later that day, we accidentally left the stroller in a cab, so that was the end of that stroller. That whole trip was hilarious, and I just randomly remember it every now and then. I would say that going through this series of looking back helped my anxiety because I have not had an anxiety attack in a while, and it’s kind of ruled my life for the last few years. Like I’ve had an anxiety attack every time I separated from my parents and sister, but Tuesday, I didn’t have one, like at all. So this has been extremely beneficial for me.

Also, I realized where my type came from. For the longest time, I had absolutely no idea where my preferences for guys came from because someone would ask me, and I would genuinely go, ‘I have no clue’. Well, I had just moved photos over to one drive, and I then looked at TikTok, and one came on of my favorite celebrities, and I went ‘wait’ though over most guys I liked, and kind of yelled, ‘that’s where it came from’.

All in all, it’s been a very good and beneficial experience for me, but I think if I had done this sooner, it would not have been as beneficial because I’m not sure if I was in the right headspace for it. Every once in a while, it’s good to look back on memories and remember some of your favorite times. Not all times are happy, but even if you have a few happy ones, it can make you smile.

Maggie Twomey is the student government representative at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She mainly writes articles that cover entertainment and experiences. Outside of HerCampus, Maggie is a junior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Elementary Education. She has worked as a summer camp counselor in the past for grades third, fourth, and fifth and is currently interning at schools in the Tampa area. Maggie enjoys traveling, reading, and painting in her free time. Usually Maggie finds herself reading or listening to a book. You will find that when Maggie is reading she always has a fantasy novel in her hand.