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It’s The Smallest Things That Actually Matter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Why do we wait for certain holidays or occasions to appreciate the people we have in our life? We wait for Mother’s/Father’s Day to give gifts to our parents, Thanksgiving to show how grateful we are for everyone, Valentine’s Day to be cheesy, and the list goes on and on.

We are so caught up in the norms of our society that we always think twice before doing something. There is nothing wrong about being the better person and always asking about other people and making sure they’re fine. But our society names that as being too clingy or needy.           

We forget that the smallest thing, like a “good morning” or  “I hope you have a good day” text can make someone’s day. Even just smiling at a stranger can have a huge impact but we don’t realize that.  A random small gift can brighten up someone’s day. 


You always want to keep it simple because simplicity is unique. Don’t wait for a special occasion to give back to the people who have always been there for you. I guess what I’m trying to say is we don’t need a national day to appreciate each other. Always appreciate the people in your life before it’s too late. Embrace the good and fix the bad in them because at the end of the day no one is perfect. But those people and those small things can actually make your life perfect. So spread happy and positive thoughts because it will end up changing you too. Always remember an act of kindness is not an act of weakness.

Be the better one and do good. From experience I’ve learned that when you do good, good things will happen to you; maybe not right away but some where along the road. Life is a journey and you should enjoy it. Don’t wait around for stuff to happen and don’t let society determine things for you. Take control, be happy by appreciating the smallest things, because at the end of the day it’s those tiny details that matter the most.