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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Preparing for finals can be a challenging and stressful time, but with effective strategies, you can maximize your chances of doing well. Here are some tips to help you prepare for finals:

  1. Create a Study Schedule:
  • Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks 
  • Remember that it is okay to take a break. The last thing you want to do is burn out right before finals. 
  • Have specific times for each class or topic to study for
  1. Organize your Materials:
  • Gather your old notes, PowerPoint slides, textbooks, etc. 
  • Color code your notes so it is less confusing
  • Create quizlets or make flashcards to help you retain this information 
  1. Stay Healthy:
  • Make sure to get at least six hours of sleep before an exam 
  • Eat a well-balanced meal to help fuel your brain 
  • Always remember to stay hydrated and take deep breaths 

Remember that everyone has their own study methods, so it’s important to stick with what suits you best. Good luck on your exams!

Hi my name is Amanda Cusack! I am 21 years old and I am a senior at the University of Tampa. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Public Relations. I have taken many enjoyable classes that have helped me improve my writing skills, such as media writing, writing & inquiry, media aesthetics, etc. Being apart of Her Campus will be a great way to meet more people and help improve on my writing skills. A little bit about me is I was born and raised in New Jersey. I have a younger sister named Caitlyn and she is a sophomore at the University of Delaware. I also have a dog named Dallas and he just turned 10 a couple months ago! Outside of school I like to go to the beach, go to concerts, and mainly spend time with family and friends.