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How to Grow Your Own Pineapple Plant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

How I Propagate Pineapples

Pineapples are one of my favorite fruits; over the summer I ate a bunch of them. I started wondering if I could replant it and create a new plant. After doing a lot of research I learned it was pretty easy.

1st Step: Prepare your Pineapple

When you get your pineapple, you want to pull the top off by grasping the pineapple and gently twisting and pulling at the leafy stem. At this point, you can eat the pineapple, or keep it for later. 

2nd Step: Removing Leaves

With the leafy stem, you will want to rip off 1-2” of the bottom leaves which allows for roots to grow. While pulling these leaves off you will notice brown nub roots. This is where the roots will grow. 

3rd Step: Dry the Stem

After pulling leaves off, you will want to let it sit in a sunny dry spot for a couple of days to allow it to dry and be less susceptible to diseases.

Now there are two methods you can choose, planting it in moist soil or allowing roots to grow in water. I have only used the water method, so that is what I am going to explain.

I used a mason jar and filled it with water so it would reach just the top of the bare stem without it touching the bottom. This will take a few weeks to finish this step, you will also want to change the water every couple of days. You will continue to do this until the roots start growing; I let them grow until they are a couple of inches in length. I then planted it into a pot with soil and kept the soil moist but not too wet. That is it. Pineapples will take at least two years to mature and grow fruit. 

Kendra Geatz Cybersecurity major at the University of Tampa I am passionate about animals, music, nature, and the beach