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How to Cope with Finals Week Stress

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

With finals week coming up, it is important to make sure that you are taking time for yourself and not overstressing. I’m guilty of becoming too overwhelmed with all of the work I have to do and not finding ways to cope. 

Since this is a really stressful time for college students around the nation, I compiled a list of quick things that I recommend doing if you’re feeling too overwhelmed and stressed out! 

Listen to Soothing Music

During finals week, my go-to soundtrack is normally either Lofi music or jazz music! These two genres of music are known to help calm listeners. I’ve linked some of my favorite playlists below! 

Go on a walk 

I used to get so annoyed when my family members would tell me to go on a walk when I was stressed or overwhelmed. However, recently I’ve been appreciating my walks a lot more. I normally listen to some music or a playlist and walk somewhere scenic. I find it therapeutic and helpful when I need to clear my head for a bit! Even a short 5-minute walk helps. 

Do a self-care night

When I’m overwhelmed, I love giving myself small self-care tasks that will eventually make me feel better. A face mask or a long shower gives me some time to be more present and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I’m done. Even if you’re stressed about the things you have to do, at least you took care of yourself a little bit! It’s important to focus on yourself during this time too. 

Listen to a podcast

One of my favorite ways to de-stress is to listen to podcasts! I like podcasts that are nothing too serious and mainly just people chatting about current pop culture events or whatever is happening in the news. I’ve linked some of my favorite podcasts below!

Cassidy Connor is a writer for Her Campus at the University of Tampa chapter. She mainly writes about entertainment, including movies, music, books, and television shows. Cassidy is currently a senior at the University of Tampa with a major in Communication, Media & Culture, and a minor in Law, Justice & Advocacy. In her free time, Cassidy enjoys watching tv shows and movies. If she’s not binging a television show, she’s most likely binging a book series. Cassidy loves hanging out with her friends, meeting new people, and deep diving (probably a little too far) into celebrity culture and gossip.